38C3: ISDN Version

38C3: ISDN Version



  • Registration is open - register your extension in Guru
  • Don’t forget to bring your phone (DECT, GSM, SIP)
  • Remember to bring Batteries, Chargers und CCC SIM-Card
  • Our public dialin number: +49 40 5730830 xxxx

2024. The brave new world has completely transformed telephony. IP telephony has replaced conventional telephone technology, including ISDN and all its components. Until 2017, we drove a truck to the Chaos Communication Congress on December 21. We spent days hauling, packing, pulling cables, patching cables, configuring, maintaining main distribution plans and fixing errors so …

Ruf doch mal wieder an!

Ruf doch mal wieder an!



Phone number Registration open, from 15.12.2021 the complete telephony infrastructure will be live.

Dear Chaos,

together we had to tolerate a lot in the last few months. Time for some exclusively good news from your favorite OC. ;-) Registration for extensions on the rC3 2021 NOWHERE is open and you can register numbers. There will also be a distributed DECT network (#EPDDI) again. We are also lending RFPs (antennas) for locations like Chaos Studios, Hackerspaces & Chaostreffs again this year. Our plan is to have the complete telephony infrastructure live by 12/15/2021. So, dust off …

Free long distance calls at Easter

Free long distance calls at Easter


It’s been exactly one year since the pandemic crashed our party. The DiVOC (German: Digital Verteiltes Online-Chaos, means Digital Distributed Online Chaos) will be celebrating its first anniversary under the motto Reboot to Respawn (R2R) and will allow us to have a place on the net to meet and exchange ideas. Framed from Good Friday to Easter Monday (02.04. – 05.04.2021) with a program of talks, art and music.  :-)

To ensure that you can communicate undisturbed and unwatched as usual, there will be again a telephone infrastructure, which will technically correspond to that …

rC3: Call for Calls

rC3: Call for Calls


This year, the year-end event of the Chaos Computer Club will take place in the digital space. This poses new challenges for us as Phone Operation Center. But those who know us will already know that a “challenge accepted” is part of good manners.

For some time we have been working on a solution to enable a very large decentralized SIP & DECT telephone network. Our vision:

Network like at the congress – everywhere you want it.

Our plan is to have the SIP infrastructure in operation from the 15.11.2020 (0 o’clock). The DECT infrastructure is in productive operation since 10.11.2020. So …

36C3 Phone registration is open

36C3 Phone registration is open


We are pleased to inform you that even with Resource Exhaustion the registration of telephone extensions for the 36th Chaos Communication Congress is open. Don’t get confused by the social media, it works without any voucher :-). You can claim your DECT, SIP or GSM extension in the Generic User Registration Utility (GURU). Like last year, you can register your devices on site yourself. Don’t forget your devices and chargers, chasing records, this year we want to break last year’s 6488 extensions.

Stay connected!

Ring! Ring! #35C3

Ring! Ring! #35C3


This year, we want to show that it is possible to provide reliable, secure communications infrastructure with the highest quality and premium service. For you!

DECT, SIP or GSM extensions can be reserved in the new GURU3. The old accounts and data from  GURU2 have been migrated. It is now possible to select a random free extension or to display all free numbers at the push of a button.

Last year we wrote: “Unfortunately it is technically not possible to speed up or parallelize the process [of the telephone registration]“. And because it seemed impossible to us, we built …

Phone infrastructure at 34C3

Phone infrastructure at 34C3


Needless to say, we will provide to you a phone infrastructure at Leipzig. Please do not forget to bring your DECT and mobile phone with you (and the correct charger, maybe even a headset if you have one). The congress is hosted in Leipzig for the first time, really the biggest congress location ever and maybe we have some unknown constraints. We are prepared for this big event with up to four system components (in Hamburg we had one) and up to 60 antennas (in Hamburg we had 45). We try our best to provide a comprehensive DECT network, but can’t promise because of the unknown building. If you …

GSM and Phone Infrastructure


Good news: There will be GSM at 33c3! Bad news: There are no SIM Cards available! At the past events we spread thousands. Please bring your SIM Card(s) and share your SIM Cards.

To (hopefully) prevent so much questions during the very short setup time, here is our plan ™:

  • 23.11. – Extension registration in GURU for 33c3 is open.
  • 23.12. – Starting GSM setup.
  • 24.12. – Setup the Eventphone PBX, hang up DECT antennas.
  • 25.12. – 11:00 a.m. Start issuing preregistered orga DECT phones, rollout wired devices, registration of new orga DECT phones if (inter)network is working.
  • 26.12. – 11:00 a.m. Start …

Don’t forget your (DECT) phone


“Works for us” is not enough.
“Works for you” is our aspiration.



We will provide to you the best phone infrastructure of all chaos events, combined with the shortest setup time ever. So do not forget to …

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications


Ring Ring!

At 32C3, we will again provide to you a phone infrastructure operated by the Phone Operation Center (POC), so do not forget to bring your DECT phone with you (and the right charger, possibly a headset if you have one). In addition to many other features and easter eggs, the audio streams of the talks as well as the simultaneous translations will be available via telephone.

dect pizza

DECT in use – CC BY-Nc 2.0 via …