Free long distance calls at Easter
It’s been exactly one year since the pandemic crashed our party. The DiVOC (German: Digital Verteiltes Online-Chaos, means Digital Distributed Online Chaos) will be celebrating its first anniversary under the motto Reboot to Respawn (R2R) and will allow us to have a place on the net to meet and exchange ideas. Framed from Good Friday to Easter Monday (02.04. – 05.04.2021) with a program of talks, art and music. :-)
To ensure that you can communicate undisturbed and unwatched as usual, there will be again a telephone infrastructure, which will technically correspond to that of the rC3. The registration of extensions is already open.
SIP, Announcement and Eventphone Decentralized DECT Infrastructure (EPDDI) will be available.
For Chaos Studios, Hackerspaces & Chaostreffs we provide a small number of RFPs (antennae). As always, we need reliable contact persons to take care of the shipping and to make sure that we get the antennas back safely after the event. If you want to run an EPDDI cell, please read the EPDDI documentation (currently only in German) and provide a suitable router. Than contact us at poc ‘at’ eventphone.de. The shipment will take place on 22.03.2021.
From 22.03.2021 at the latest, the telephone infrastructure will also be up and running.
We will communicate fluctuations in the operating process via Twitter.
Have fun and stay healthy,
your Eventphone Team
Photo: ST (CC BY 4.0)