
38C3: Hackertours

38C3: Hackertours


TL;DR: We have exciting tours to interesting locations in Hamburg. All details over at Hackertours!

Once again this year, the Hamburg team has found exciting places in Hamburg that will take you away from the dens of the CCH for a few hours and let you experience new and interesting things.

Tour highlights

This time we have 15 different tours! Here are our highlights:

Alster steamboat St. Georg

Round-trip on the Alster with a view of the night skyline on board the oldest and only real Alster steamer, the “St. Georg” from 1876. On this exclusive one-hour tour we sail from Jungfernstieg, via the …

38C3 Chaos Computer Music Club

38C3 Chaos Computer Music Club


We are calling for music nerds who want to perform for other music nerds at the 38C3 Chaos Computer Music Club and at the Chill Floor.

Whether you’ve built your own instrument, use technology in imaginative ways to express yourself with music, are a contemporary DJ emitting genre highlights far outside the mainstream, a band with a constructive political message, or anything in between, we are calling for you to present at 38C3 – from A like Ambient to Z like Zydeco.

Please note that 38C3 is not a music event and we can not pay you as much as you might usually expect to receive on the market. …

Are you ready to haaaaaaaaaaalfnarp?

Are you ready to haaaaaaaaaaalfnarp?


In what has become a cherished tradition, the 38C3 content teams want to take the pulse of our community and offer you a deal that’s really hard to refuse: You get an early look at what our teams think are the best talks and presentations that will make for a well-rounded 38C3 Fahrplan, and in return you allow us to identify clusters of talks that we should avoid scheduling at the same time.

All you have to do is 1) click on all the talks you want to see, 2) hit submit and 3) skip step three! We’ll take it from there and let the number crunchers generate a collision map that will magically …

Chaosmentors at the 38C3

Chaosmentors at the 38C3


Chaosmentors will be at the 38C3! Interested Mentors and Mentees please registers on our chaosmentors platform before the 10th of December at 23:59 o’clock.

It’s that time again - the Chaos Communication Congress is just around the corner! We are back in Hamburg this year and, as always, we expect many new people to consider attending the Congress for the first time. Are you among them? Maybe you could use a little support to get off to a good start.

Who are the Chaosmentors for?

Are you a hacker or a member of another underrepresented group and are unsure whether you will feel …

Einladung zum Junghacker:innentag auf dem 38C3

Einladung zum Junghacker:innentag auf dem 38C3


Hinweise für Mithelfende und Veranstalter am Ende des Textes!

Junghacker:innen-Tag - sei dabei!

Zu unserer Freude haben sich in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Junghacker:innen auf dem Congress eingefunden. Daher bieten wir auch diesmal, wie schon in den Vorjahren, einen speziell auf Kinder und Jugendliche zugeschnittenen Junghacker:innentag an. Am zweiten Congresstag, dem 28. Dezember 2024, organisieren Freiwillige aus vielen Assemblies von etwa 10 bis 17 Uhr ein vielseitiges Workshop-Programm für angehende Hacker:innen.

Wer schon immer mal löten, programmieren, einen 3D-Drucker ausprobieren, …

I remember doing the halfnarp!

I remember doing the halfnarp!


The 37C3 content teams have been sorting, discussing, ranking, shuffling, haggling and hustling for more stage-hours and are proud to present you a preliminary look at the first 104 confirmed of around 125 accepted lectures and performances at this year’s Congress.

It’s been an exhausting process with 600 submissions in six tracks and a handful of invited presentations meaning that some tracks had to chose 1 lecture from 10 others not making it into the final Fahrplan. If you are among the ones getting a sad email, rest assured that you are in excellent company and encourage you to …

Einladung zum Junghacker:innentag auf dem 37C3

Einladung zum Junghacker:innentag auf dem 37C3


Zu unserer Freude haben sich in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Junghacker:innen auf dem Congress eingefunden. Daher bieten wir auch diesmal, wie schon in den Vorjahren, einen speziell auf Kinder und Jugendliche zugeschnittenen Junghacker:innentag an.

Am zweiten Congresstag, dem 28. Dezember, organisieren Freiwillige aus vielen Assemblies von etwa 10 bis 17 Uhr ein vielseitiges Workshop-Programm für angehende Hacker und Hackerinnen.


CC BY-SA 2.0 cchana

Wer schon immer mal löten, programmieren, einen 3D-Drucker ausprobieren, einen mathematischen Beweis führen oder selber ein Schloss ohne …

Chaosmentors at the 37C3

Chaosmentors at the 37C3


Chaosmentors will be at the 37C3! Interested Mentors and Mentees please registers HERE before the 8th of December at 23:59 o’clock.

It’s that time again - the Chaos Communication Congress is just around the corner! After a three-year break, we are back in Hamburg and, as always, we expect many new people to consider attending the Congress for the first time. Are you among them? Maybe you could use a little support to get off to a good start.

Who are the Chaosmentors for?

Are you a hacker or a member of another underrepresented group and are unsure whether you will feel comfortable at …

Accessibility at 37C3

Accessibility at 37C3


To answer questions regarding Accessibility at Congress:

In short:

  • Our venue, CCH, is accessible
  • simply bring your assistants to the entrance
  • Hidden Disabilities Badges and quiet hacking at QuietQube
  • Silent Room access and more Accessibility info at Helpdesk
  • Please: wear a mask, get tested, don’t come while infectious.

CCH recently got renovated. Therefore it has good barrier-free access. For instance: a tactile guide system, captions in braille, induction loops and modern toilets. All places will be wheelchair-accessible. Including stages.

More info on accessibility at the CCH website …

37C3 Bildungsurlaub [Stand: 2023-12-14]

37C3 Bildungsurlaub [Stand: 2023-12-14]


Auch dieses Jahr strebt der Chaos Communication Congress an, als Bildungsveranstaltung in einigen Bundesländern anerkannt zu werden. Damit sind Congress-Teilnehmer in der Lage, für die Zeit der Veranstaltung Bildungsurlaub zu beantragen, und müssen nicht ihren normalen Erholungsurlaub dafür verwenden.

Aktueller Status:

Bundesland Status
Baden-Württemberg nicht geplant
Bayern kein Freistellungsgesetz
Berlin abgelehnt
Brandenburg abgelehnt
Bremen nicht geplant
Hamburg bewilligt
Hessen bewilligt (Queranerkennung gemäß § 11 Abs. 4 HBUG)
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern abgelehnt …

rC3 Call for Subtitlers



Have you been hit by lockdown, you’re bored and you are craving for more chaos event feeling? Are you sitting at home and watching recorded Talks from rC3 and past Chaos events?
Bring a little bit of rC3 to your home and help with improving quality and accessibility of the CCC recordings! You can work on the subtitles from the comfort of your home, as long or as short as you like to!

How does this work?
The transcripts are generated automatically by speech recognition software and improved and corrected by you. Since talks contain lots of domain-specific terms and may have …

Call for Interpreters: translate #rC3!


If you are multilingual and fluent in German, English and maybe other languages, please consider joining the translation team.

We want to interpret ALL talks in the two main channels and content from other channels too, live and in real time. Our work is transmitted live in the streams, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. For each event we have two channels for interpreted content. In the first, German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. A second translation channel translates into languages other than English or German – what we do there depends on …