GPN18: Call for Participation

GPN18: Call for Participation


hello world

tl;dr: Let’s do the GPN warp again! Sign up, submit your ideas and bring your friends.

Long awaited and often requested—the time has come. We invite all of you to this year’s GulaschProgrammierNacht.

Save the date:
GPN18, 10.-13. May 2018 in the HfG/ZKM, Lorenzstr. 15, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany, Europe, Earth

#More of the same
The Gulaschprogrammiernacht has it all: Talks, workshops, demoshow, flashing lights, lots of music (always both too loud and too quiet), two (!!!) hackcenters, enough Mate for all …

The 34C3 Awareness Team


Not all of the 15.000 visitors at 34C3 will have the same needs and stance.

Thoughtfulness and respecting individual boundaries should be taken for granted. But within such a large crowd, individual boundaries can be crossed – sometimes even without the intention to do so.

This is why – just like in past years – there will be an awareness team at 34C3. The awareness team will work closely together with the team “Safety and Security” and the “Chaos Emergency Response Team” (CERT).

  • Safety & Security: DECT 110
  • CERT: DECT 112
  • Awarenessteam: DECT 113

If you do not have a DECT phone, any angel …

The Chaos Emergency Response Team: CERT

The Chaos Emergency Response Team: CERT


Did you ever feel sick or had an accident at Congress or one of our Camps? We hope not. But if so, then you probably know the Chaos Emergency Response Team (CERT). It is a team of trained medical and fire prevention personnel who help in case of need. They take care for a safe and sound event and aim to reduce dangers of all kinds.

cert feuerloescher

It is twenty years ago this year since the idea emerged to have an emergency team of …

Einladung zum Junghackertag auf dem 34C3


Zu unserer Freude haben sich in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Junghacker auf dem Congress eingefunden. Daher bieten wir auch diesmal, wie schon in den Vorjahren, einen speziell auf Kinder und Jugendliche zugeschnittenen Junghackertag an. Am zweiten Congresstag, dem 28. Dezember, organisieren Freiwillige aus vielen Assemblies von etwa 10 bis 17 Uhr ein vielseitiges Workshop-Programm für angehende Hacker und Hackerinnen.


CC BY-SA 2.0 via flickr/cchana

Wer …

auchwat: Chaos Camping Crew


Du schläfst am liebsten im eigenen Bett?
In deinem fahrbaren Untersatz bist zu Hause?
Du suchst nur noch nach einem gut gelegenen Platz?

Deine Suche hat ein Ende.

Direkt auf dem Leipziger Messegelände haben wir 200 Stellplätze für Wohnmobile, Wohnwagen und Bullis klargemacht, von denen du dir nun schnell noch einen sichern kannst.

Für 100€ pro Reisemobil oder Wohnwagen bieten wir dir

  • einen Stellplatz vom 25.-31. Dezember (jeweils 12:00h)
  • inklusive Frischwasserversorgung
  • inklusive Stromversorgung (230V/16A)
    Hinweis: Der Anschluss kann als Schuko- oder als 3-poliger CEE-Stecker (DIN49462) …

MRMCD 2017: Schedule and end of presale


Finally, we can present you a preliminary schedule for this year’s MRMCD! We are happy to see the wide range and diversity of the topics covered in the submitted talks and workshops. You can find the schedule here:

Please be patient with us: Our schedule still is a young plant that needs to grow. Not all speakers have already confirmed their appearance yet and some talks will still shift their exact times.

If you did not do so already, you can buy one of the very last tickets in our ticket shop. We assume that the presale will be sold out very soon. There …

Chaos BBQ Geekend 2017


Wir wollen grillen, wir werden grillen!

Nach einer kleinen Ruhepause ist das Chaos BBQ Geekend zurueck:
groesser, bunter, chaotischer und total unkompliziert, ehrlich ;)

Bei Hack, Speis und Trank moechte der Chaostreff Dortmund gerne das Wochenende vom 11. bis 13. August 2017 mit euch in und um unseren Raeumen im Kulturzentrum “Langer August” in Dortmund verbringen.

Eintritt ist kostenlos, für die verPlanung benoetigen wir jedoch eine vorherige Anmeldung von euch (schau weiter unten!)

Chaos BBQ Geekend 2017 Inhaltsstoffe:
– Steak & Wurst (mit …

MRMCD 2017: Bundesdatenschau – Call for Participation


The MetaRheinMainChaosDays (MRMCD) are proud to announce that they will host the first Bundesdatenschau (federate data show) on September 1st to 3rd – we’re looking forward to all kinds of data accompanied by their owners! We are looking for talks und workshops taking an in-depth look at the usage of public data and the protection of private data. We’re asking: How are public data resources (ab)used? Where and how has data been made public that shouldn’t have been? Who’s grabbing private data, and …

Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!


Visiting the 33C3 and wondering what the city has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 33C3 like no other tour guide would. We have selected tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites.

Save a seat for a tour on our webpage and follow us on Twitter to get updates about new tours, changes and important updates. We also have a page in the congress wiki to help you find our assembly.

Here’s a list of our tours (English and German):

**Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)

Einladung zum Junghackertag auf dem 33C3


Update (19.12.): Das Kontingent ist ausgeschöpft. Weitere Anmeldungen sind leider nicht mehr möglich. Ohne Anmeldung gibt es keinen Einlass.

Mittwoch, 28.12.2016, 10 Uhr bis ca. 17 Uhr, Congress Center Hamburg Dammtor
(freier Congress-Eintritt für Jugendliche bis einschließlich 14 Jahren mit einer erwachsenen Begleitung).


33C3 halfnarp: The talks that ‚work for us‘

33C3 halfnarp: The talks that ‚work for us‘


The 33C3 content committee is proud to announce a lecture selection that ‚works for us‘. Our five hard-working 33C3 track teams have hand-picked a set of around 150 excellent lectures to be formed into the best four day, six track programme possible.

Having to select talks from an impressive lot of more than 500 submissions was a hard and sometimes frustrating task. But we have been amazed by the overwhelming interest in volunteering to present at 33C3. We’re thrilled to see that support and enthusiasm to contribute to this year’s event is as high as it ever been. Some speakers even refuse to …

Chaos Mentors: We make congress work for you!


It is that time of the year again – 33C3 is approaching and the Chaosmentors are getting ready to support new visitors during their first Congress experience.

For those who visit the Congress for the first time:

You always wanted to visit Chaos Communication Congress but worry about getting the best out of the experience? You are interested in computers, technology, hacking, privacy, free speech and perhaps just need pointing in the right direction?

We are the „Chaospatinnen“ (chaos mentors) and we welcome you to the Chaos Communication Congress. We encourage you to participate in 33C3 this …