37C3: Unlocked (2023)

37C3: Have your say

37C3: Have your say


Haven’t you ever thought about becoming a 37C3 content ambassador?

When in 2019 we reached out to you with our first round of “have your say” for suggestions on how to make our congress Fahrplan the best ever, we received an overwhelming 2000 submissions ranging from exciting developments in hardware security, net politics to helpful remarks on how to better synchronize breaks between presentations.

So we want to repeat that experiment and ask you again:

  • Are there any recent developments in one of our six tracks that might be overlooked but needs to be on our radar?
  • Are …
37C3 Call for Participation

37C3 Call for Participation


The Call for Participation has started

As we announced on our website, the Call for Participation for the Congress has started. We ask you for your talks and presentations, to make this Congress the most exciting and interesting hacker event of the year. You can find the Call here, please familiarize yourself with the notes before submitting something.

According to the motto “37C3: Unlocked” we offer three stages for a total of about 100 contributions, divided into six main topics, that want to give impulses for exchange and making this world better.

The deadline for submissions is …

37C3 Presale: Modus Operandi

37C3 Presale: Modus Operandi


We’re preparing for the 37C3 presale, which will work slightly differently than in the past:

Just like in previous years, we want to make sure that the active heart of our community – the people who shape Congress – can make 37C3 awesome again. Since our events are run entirely by volunteers, this first and foremost includes our angels (volunteers) who dedicate their free time and effort to make the event possible in the first place. It also encompasses all the hackspaces and activist groups who contribute to the Chaos community both during 37C3 and throughout the year.

At the same time, …

Der CCC lädt zum 37. Chaos Communication Congress ein

Der CCC lädt zum 37. Chaos Communication Congress ein


The Chaos Computer Club is happy to welcome you between the years, this time again at the CCH in Hamburg. The Congress thrives on participation, so join assemblies, workshops, submit presentations, help as an angel or give feedback.

You can find the invitation on the CCC website. Mark your calendars! More details about the Congress will be published soon here on the blog and on the info pages.

The 37C3 will take place on 27~30 December unless prohibited by the authorities. All official infection control regulations will of course be implemented. This means that we are not planning any measures …

No Congress 2022: Looking forward to decentralized alternatives and Camp 2023

No Congress 2022: Looking forward to decentralized alternatives and Camp 2023


The CCC sees no other option than to cancel the Chaos Communication Congress again this year. Instead, we call on local groups for decentralized and independent alternative events. The Chaos Communication Camp will take place in Mildenberg near Berlin, Germany from August 15 to 19, 2023.

None of us know what the pandemic situation will be in December – but it is foreseeable that strict hygiene requirements will be necessary and in all likelihood mandatory – if an event of the size of the Congress can be approved at all.

What might be possible would not be a Congress

Perhaps an event would be …

Call for Participation zum 37. Chaos Communication Congress


We invite you to enrich our event in terms of content and ask for submissions for the program of the Chaos Communication Congress.

Preparations for the 37th Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) in Hamburg are in full swing. In order to become part of the program presented on the lecture stages, hackers, technology freaks, hobbyists, artists and utopians with a sense of mission can now apply with their lecture ideas.

The detailed Call for Participation is available here, please read it carefully before uploading a submission. Experienced congress speakers can jump directly to the submission via …

37c3 in Hamburg

37c3 in Hamburg


The Chaos Computer Club will host the 37th edition of the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg.

The Chaos Communication Congress has taken a break for known reasons. We are now planning to return to Hamburg’s CCH for the 37th Chaos Communication Congress.

The traditional date 27.-30. December should of course be preserved. Of course we don’t know if external circumstances will thwart our plans.

With cautious optimism, however, we would now like to start planning.

Photo by t-h-s on Flickr

Auch 2021 leider kein Congress in Leipzig

Auch 2021 leider kein Congress in Leipzig


Over the past few weeks, we have carefully evaluated the possibilities for a Chaos Communication Congress 2021 in Leipzig. In a joint discussion of the many different teams involved in the organization, we have determined: The necessary protective measures and restrictions would distort the spirit of the event beyond recognition.

For this reason, we have jointly decided not to have a presence event in Leipzig this year.

We know that many of you were looking forward to a meeting in Leipzig. You would have gladly accepted restrictions, requirements and security precautions. At a certain point, …

Status of the Event at the End of 2021

Status of the Event at the End of 2021


TL;DR: We’re trying to make an on-site event happen. There will be, in any case, an online part. More info later in the year.

It’s an early time in the year, especially for blogpost regarding the congress. Nevertheless we want to inform you about our plans regarding an event end of the year. Even though it’s not clear how an event end of 2021 could be like, we are going to try to make an on-site event happen at the usual time of the year. whether that is possible or not is uncertain at this point.

In any case, there will be an online part.

We’re optimistic that we’ll have more information for …