31C3: A New Dawn (2014)

Hackerschnitzelcloud: What a wicked game to play


One week to go until the Congress starts and with it the games from the Hackerschnitzelcloud. You can download an Android app from the Play Store and test the games you created so far. If you want to test the iOS application, send us an email at 31c3(at)toto.io and ask for an invite link.

test qr

With these QR codes you can also start a test game to get an impression of how a game on a phone works. So get your app and register at Toto-Website. To get your first …

31C3 Lightning Talks


Did you think that the thrill of sharing your ideas in front of a huge audience at a C3 was something you’d never do? Do you work on a cool project and want to get the word out? Was your talk one of the hundreds that got rejected? Did you come up with an awesome hack that you need to share? Well, you’re in luck because there will be Lightning Talks at 31C3.

Taking place at 12:45 on Days 2, 3 and 4, these fast paced sessions are perfect for pitching new software or hardware projects, exploits, creative pranks or strange ideas you need to get out to a global audience. Even if you don’t have an …

Welcome to the Hackerschnitzelcloud at 31C3!


Symbolbild Hackerschnitzelcloud

There will be a new, even better version of last year’s famous game: The Hackerschnitzelcloud. And there will be not just one game, but many, hunting through the CCH.

The Hackerschnitzelcloud is a magic platform for scavenger hunts. You can submit riddles and missions of all degrees of difficulty and shape them into mind-blowing games playable on mobile phones. You can submit single puzzles or …

Looking for volunteers!


Since the first congress of 1984 there have been plenty of voluntary auxiliary carbon compounds that make the whole congress possible. They run everything: introduction of speakers, audio/video streams and recordings, data, electricity and phone networks, bars, build-up, tear-down and even emergency services.
Your engagement as an Angel is the perfect opportunity to become a part of congress and make it even more amazing for everyone involved. Apart from that, volunteering is a great chance to meet new people.
In return, the angels get a quiet space to relax; the famous ‘Heaven’ includes …

Seidenstrasse returns! Pneumatic delivery system will be back at 31C3


“Seidenstrasse”, the popular pneumatic tube delivery system made from vacuum cleaners and drainage pipe at 30C3 will reappear at the 31C3.


Besides sending and receiving bits like you are used to, it will also be possible again to send capsules containing “real” stuff like cookies, hard drives and many more things.
In addition Seidenstrasse supports onion routing to enable you to communicate anonymously.
We also want to let you know: We have not yet received an order under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act.

To have a pneumatic tube system again this year, we need your help!

If you borrowed …

There is Art & Culture at 31C3


After the big success of the Art & Culture track at the 30c3 we knew it would be hard to get a program as good as this one again. But yes, we succeeded. We got some great submissions to our lovely planning systems and we acquired some others.

I want to make a short walk through of the A&C track to give you a glimpse on what you can expect from these talks. Please note that the talks here have no particular order:

    There is this old appartment in Chemnitz which had not been touched for 20 years. Time stood still in these rooms until people were …

31C3 Online ticket sale ends soon


If you still need a ticket for 31c3, your should order right now!

The ticket shop will not accept any new orders after December 12th, 23:59:59 CET. Your payment must reach us before Dec 23th.

We’re doing this in order to grant everybody enough time to make the payment. There will be a limited on-site sale too, but if you want to speed up the process at the entrance, better buy your ticket online right now. Keep in mind that we only accept cash at the venue!

If you have already paid for your ticket, but it has not been marked as paid on the website within 5 days of your payment, please contact …

Chaospatinnen – taking you by the hand since 2013!


Attention: registration for the chaos mentors program has closed”

The time has arrived again – 31C3 is coming up. After the premiere of our “Chaospatinnen” concept worked out really well last year, we are happily looking forward to continue the model at the 31C3. Chaosmentors are getting ready to support new visitors through their first Congress experience.

For mentees:

You are interested in Computers, Technology, Hacking and digital Rights? You’d like to participate, but feel alone with your questions?
You don’t think you count as a hacker or programmer and have doubts if you fit at 31C3? …

Let’s do the halfnarp


Placing lectures into time slots is the most crucial part of constructing a solid Fahrplan. Some speakers like presenting early in the morning, while some entertainment sessions belong to the night program for obvious reasons. That’s the easy part.

But minimizing potential collisions between events is an art, as we’ve learnt over the past years. Sometimes, we underestimate the interest in certain events or fail to anticipate two lectures’ attracting a highly similar crowd.

Such collisions can cause quite some frustration. Imagine not being able to attend one of two (or even two of three) …

31C3 Ticket Shop Has Opened


Need to say more?

We’ve opened the 31C3 ticket shop. You can buy tickets online at https://tickets.events.ccc.de/.

You’ll notice we had to raise prices slightly.

It is awfully difficult to predict the total income for an event of this size. Maybe the price for a standard ticket is 10€ too much now, depending on how many people will come. If that turns out to be true, we’ll reduce it again next year.

In the meantime, if you can’t afford to pay the standard price, don’t hesitate to use the “Apply” button on the bottom right of the page. It will present you with a text input and send a mail on …