27C3: We come in peace (2010)

Different payment options for 27C3 tickets


As announced, there are many different possibilities to pay for your congress-tickets this year.

You cannot only pay by bank transfer, from today you can also choose to:

  • pay in cash at your local Erfa
    Please remember, that not all Erfas offer this service – and that the guy who takes your payments isn’t available all the time. Please find a worldwide list of all cashdesks at /wiki/Cashdesks.
  • pay with your creditcard
    With an additional charge of 5% you can also use your creditcard. Please log into the presale-system in order to find your unique payment-link.

Arrival by train, starting at 99,- Euro to 27c3


Special 27C3-Offer

Booking starts Thursday, 21.10.2010!

DB is offering you a special ticket for your travel from “Any DB-Station” > Berlin > “Any DB-Station”. You can book it by calling +49 (0)1805 / 31 11 53 and stating the Code “27C3” or “Chaos Communication Congress”. The Hotline is available Monday to Saturday 08:00-21:00 o’clock and cost you 0,14Euro/minute from german Telecom landline (T-Com) - from german cellphone network max. 0,42Euro/minute.

You will need to tell the guy on the phone your creditcard or german …

Performance test successfully survived!


As expected, the pre-sale-system has survived the performance check immediately to the release time.

The rush for the Pre-sale is still enormously. The tickets from the first Quota will be sold out in no time.

But: No Panic.

As announced, there will be a second, much larger, quota at the beginning of November. So anyone who had no luck this time get a new chance at the second quota.

The created accounts are also valid in the second quota.

The quota for our volunteers (Angels) from last year, dubbed ‘the golden token’, will be independent of the other “normal” quota.

For all risks and side …

How to survive the pre-sale


In order to avoid any confusion, here is the short and sweet version of everything there is to know about the 27C3 ticket presale.

  • The System will be available by today (10.10.10) at exactly 10:10am Berlin Time (08:10 UTC) via https://presale.events.ccc.de/ – if this doesn’t work, try instead.
  • The first batch of 800 Tickets will be accessible by then. The second (and biggest) batch will start after we released the first version of the schedule (the Fahrplan) in the beginning of November. More batches will be announced after those. Everyone who did not get one of the …

Heads up, Pre-Sale Begins


You’ve probably waited most of two weeks for this: The pre-sale for the 27th Chaos Communication Congress tickets will start this weekend. To be precise: We will open our server ports tomorrow morning, Sunday (October 10th), at 10:10 Berlin time (08:10 UTC).

Category Price
Standard EUR 70
Nachwuchs (below the age of 18) EUR 25
Members of the CCC e. V. EUR 45

For more details, e. g. business tickets, see our wiki and the FAQ.

This will be the first batch of three, offering 800 tickets. The second and largest batch will be available two days after we’ve published the …

ICE 2342 to 27c3 will be delayed by a few days.


As may you have noticed, the start of ticket sales for the 27th Chaos Communication Congress is still delayed.

We understand your annoyance. Rest assured, it annoys us just as much.

Anyone of you ever involved in a project knows: Something always comes amiss, there is always some unexpected problem pushing the release date back into the future. Project “27c3” unfortunately is not an exception to this. Especially since all the work – including the presale system – is being done by volunteers, most of them with a regular day job.

Behind the scenes our coding and hacking mill is spinning, while …

27C3 presale delayed


The ticket presale for the 27th Chaos Communication Congress scheduled for today will be delayed. We hope to begin selling tickets sometime this week. The presale system isn’t functioning correctly so far.

We’ll keep you informed.

Reminder: CfP 27C3 – Deadline October 9!


Just a friendly reminder that the submission deadline for proposed talks and workshops is fast approaching. You still have a whole month – until October 9 – to think about what you’d like to contribute, and as always, we welcome your input. Please read the whole CfP here:
27C3 We Come In Peace Call for Papers

Spread the word, submit a talk – see you in December!

Tickets for the 27th Chaos Communication Congress


While the Call of Participation for the 27. Chaos Communication Congress (27C3) “We come in peace” lasts until 9th October 2010, we would like to make the travel scheduling for the willing people a bit easier. This year a Presale will be available.

Like it was impressively shown last year, the fluctuations in the rush on the Congress aren’t measurable in any way.
The bcc was completely packed, and all tickets sold. The principle of hope didn’t work out, and the displeasure by the people which traveled far and got rejected, or didn’t get a clear announcement relating to the …

Reminder: CfP 27C3 – Deadline October 9!


Just a friendly reminder that the submission deadline for proposed talks and workshops is fast approaching. You still have a whole month – until October 9 – to think about what you’d like to contribute, and as always, we welcome your input. Please read the whole CfP here:
27C3 We Come In Peace Call for Papers

Spread the word, submit a talk – see you in December!

27C3: We come in peace – Call for Participation

We come in peace

We come in peace

We come in peace, said the conquerors of the New World.
We come in peace, says the government, when it comes to colonise, regulate, and militarise the new digital world.
We come in peace, say the nation-state sized companies that have set out to monetise the net and chain the users to their shiny new devices.
We come in peace, we say as hackers, geeks and nerds, when we set out towards the real world and try to change it, because it has intruded into our natural …