Chaos Communication Congress

Autism at 34C3

Autism at 34C3


TL;DR: If you need a quiet place or support, you can reach out to Sam, see below for contact details.

The Chaos Communication Congress is a tolerant and welcoming space for lifeforms of all kinds. In accordance with our hacker ethics we do not draw any difference based on ethnicity, gender, degrees or else. In short: Congress is colorful.

It is not always easy to accommodate the needs and wishes of every single group or individual. But that doesn’t mean we’re not trying to do our best. We listen to your criticism and recommendations and try to get a little better every year, expanding our …



Dear Angels,

Below are some important details for the 34C3 Buildup.
Please read them carefully.

Buildup Angel

Similar to the 34C3 it self, buildup and teardown only work thanks to the heroic effort and participation of countless volunteers. Warm thanks to everyone who helps to bring Congress to Leipzig, we very much appreciate every bit of help.
Even though buildup nominally starts on the 16.12. true parallelization does not take hold until the 18.12.. Before that we need some time to boot and warm up ourselves. For this reason our suggestion (especially to non-local volunteers) is to have a …

auchwat: Chaos Camping Crew


Du schläfst am liebsten im eigenen Bett?
In deinem fahrbaren Untersatz bist zu Hause?
Du suchst nur noch nach einem gut gelegenen Platz?

Deine Suche hat ein Ende.

Direkt auf dem Leipziger Messegelände haben wir 200 Stellplätze für Wohnmobile, Wohnwagen und Bullis klargemacht, von denen du dir nun schnell noch einen sichern kannst.

Für 100€ pro Reisemobil oder Wohnwagen bieten wir dir

  • einen Stellplatz vom 25.-31. Dezember (jeweils 12:00h)
  • inklusive Frischwasserversorgung
  • inklusive Stromversorgung (230V/16A)
    Hinweis: Der Anschluss kann als Schuko- oder als 3-poliger CEE-Stecker (DIN49462) …

Public transport in Leipzig for 34C3: Discount ticket pre-sale open

tram innen

Warm and all night: Tram.
neitech, BY-NC-ND 2.0.

For the first time in the history of CCC, Congress will not be held in a downtown area but a little further out. We had to relocate to Messe

Leipzig this year. This comes with a number of challenges. Moving conveniently between downtown and the 34C3 location is one of these challenges that we put a lot of thought and energy in. Hotel capacities at the fair grounds are limited, …

34C3 Press Accreditation: Please read carefully!


For journalistic coverage of the 34th Chaos Communication Congress, members of the press – print media, photo, radio, TV, film, online media and news agencies – are kindly asked to request press accreditation.

Please send your name and the media you will report for to Please inform us in advance if your reporting includes picture or video production. Please note that accreditation request sent to other addresses are likely to be lost.

The deadline to submit an application for press accreditation is December 15th, 2017. We’ll be glad to answer any questions by …

A galactic Congress welcomes all lifeforms

A galactic Congress welcomes all lifeforms


Anyone who ever experienced the distinct feeling of „wow!“ on the first Congress knows: There’s an outside world and then there’s Congress. Even though the event copes with challenges that come with growth, we think we’ve built a space that promotes tolerance, curiosity, fun, open-minded communication, friendliness and cooperation. Unlike traditional conferences, where visitors receive full service for paying an entrance fee, CCC events are run by volunteers. The whole event is organized by people who buy their own tickets and spend their holidays to make it happen. Visiting 34c3 means to …

Assemblies – it’s about time!

Assemblies – it’s about time!


tl;dr register your assembly asap

We’ll have a huge chunk of an exhibition hall for the Assemblies with nearly three times the space as there was in Hamburg. To transform a faceless and boring exhibition hall into a cosy, hacky, welcoming and inspirational place, we need you!

Over the last years the concept of Assemblies was constantly evolving and changing. With our move to Leipzig, there are new challenges and opportunities. In this huge space, Assemblies, people and groups will gather around different subjects, interests and competences. These will be represented by “Chaos Competence …

34C3: Call for Participation und Leitfaden zur Einreichung

34C3: Call for Participation und Leitfaden zur Einreichung


Wir rufen hiermit zur Einreichung von Vorträgen zum

34C334. Chaos Communication Congress des CCC auf, vom
27. bis 30. Dezember 2017 in der Leipziger Messe in Leipzig.

Das Event

Der Chaos Communication Congress ist die jährliche Konferenz und Hackerparty des Chaos Computer Clubs (CCC). An vier Tagen zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr kommen tausende Hacker, Technikfreaks, Bastler, Künstler, Utopisten oder einfach Interessierte in Leipzig zusammen, um sich auszutauschen, sich zuzuhören, voneinander zu lernen und miteinander zu feiern. Wir beschäftigen uns mit Themen rund um …

34C3 Presale


It’s that time of the year again – we’re opening the presale for this year’s Chaos Communication Congress!

Again, there will be two phases, with the first one starting today.
During the first phase, we’d like to invite the core of our community to participate in the presale.
It will end as soon as no more tickets are left in the pool for this phase, but by 2017-10-15 at the latest.

During the second phase we’ll open the presale to everybody on a number of pre-announced time slots. We’ll announce these open presale dates at least two weeks ahead of time on this site.

We’ll offer all tickets for …

Film über den geheimen Drohnenkrieg: National Bird


Diese Woche läuft in Deutschland der Dokumentarfilm National Bird über den Drohnenkrieg und Whistleblower an. Auf dem 33C3 gab es in Anwesenheit der Regisseurin Sonia Kennebeck und Cian Westmoreland schon eine Sondervorstellung. Wer die verpasst hat, kann den Film nun im Kino sehen.


Filmplakat National Bird.

Kennebeck richtet ihre Kamera auf die Menschen, die nicht mehr schweigen wollen über den geheimen Drohnenkrieg der Vereinigten Staaten, auch wenn sie als Bild-Analysten oder als …

Einladung zum Junghackertag auf dem 33C3


Update (19.12.): Das Kontingent ist ausgeschöpft. Weitere Anmeldungen sind leider nicht mehr möglich. Ohne Anmeldung gibt es keinen Einlass.

Mittwoch, 28.12.2016, 10 Uhr bis ca. 17 Uhr, Congress Center Hamburg Dammtor
(freier Congress-Eintritt für Jugendliche bis einschließlich 14 Jahren mit einer erwachsenen Begleitung).


Don’t forget your (DECT) phone


“Works for us” is not enough.
“Works for you” is our aspiration.



We will provide to you the best phone infrastructure of all chaos events, combined with the shortest setup time ever. So do not forget to …