Get Ready for 37C3
It is the 24th December, day -2 of 37C3, and just before many of you start their journey to the Congress Center Hamburg, we have a few useful bits of information and reminders for you.
- Your starting point for all 37C3 information and content is the 37C3 Start Page.
- Remember the usual packing checklists, and especially the current measures to protect against infectious diseases.
- Assemblies: Please read the instructions for Assembly arrival and deliveries (your drop-off location depends on the location of your assembly!).
Finding information and staying up-to-date
Congress offers a lot to discover and create. To help you stay on top of it all, we have set up the 37C3 Start Page with links to all important online resources.
In particular, we are continuously maintaining and extending the info pages. Here is where you will find all official information (which you might have seen in the “Static” section of the wiki at previous Congresses). This new structure may already be familiar to you from this year’s Chaos Communication Camp, but of course the content itself is specific to 37C3.
The info pages are frequently updated to reflect current changes; they’re worth keeping an eye on every now and then. Some of the content is also being translated to German already.
If any of your questions remain unanswered by the info pages, the Infodesk is happy to help: at CCH in front of Hall X (on the first floor at the railing overlooking the entrance hall), via DECT at 1111 and public telephony at +49 40 57308301111, and already before the start of the event via email and Matrix.
Many teams that are essential to running Congress also maintain Mastodon accounts that keep you informed with current announcements. You will find all their contact details on the Facilities info page.
Arriving and staying
For you journey to Hamburg, we have collected the most important information under the title Getting there. There is also a ridesharing list on the wiki where you might find someone to travel with.
For the particularly spontaneous among you, there might still be options available at the ticket exchange — but always be vigilant whom you’re entrusting with your money.
It is now finally certain that we can offer a sports hall as an affordable sleeping option. Alternatively, you can also share sleeping accomodations with others on the wiki.
Arriving with your Assembly
This year, over 300 assemblies — groups of participants united by a multitude of different topics or regional collaboration — have signed up to be part of 37C3.
To ensure that you can all get your projects set up in the cosy (but also convoluted) halls of the CCH with as little stress as possible, we have parallelized the arrival and unloading of assembly equipment as far as possible. We ask that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for Assembly arrival and deliveries before making your way to CCH. This info page contains everything you’ll need to know about when, where, and how to unload and set up your equipment.
Participating and helping out
Like everything we do, 37C3 only works if we make it happen together. If you want to help out at 37C3, become an Angel. It’s really that easy!
You’ve probably already read the Call for Angels, but it doesn’t hurt to have another look.
Build-up is currently in full swing, and as usual spontaneous help is very welcome there!
While you’re packing, check if you’ve grabbed your lanyard (they tend to hide in drawers somewhere) — and if you have plenty of them laying around anyway, we’re happy to distribute them to angels that might have forgotten to bring one. Just like that, you’re helping in avoiding unnecessary waste. This year’s angel badges are in the same business card format you’re used to (85×55 mm, “portrait” orientation). You can wear them directly on your lanyard, or bring a plastic sleeve from a previous event.
Explore and experience
37C3 offers a large and diverse range of talks. The “Fahrplan” (schedule) of all talks with all latest updates can always be found at fahrplan.events.ccc.de. You can easily access it on your mobile device, e.g. via the schedule app for Android or schedule app for iOS. Find more apps including F-Droid links at the app overview on the wiki.
Many talks will be translated live by the c3lingo team (from German to English or English to German, and into more languages subject to availability of interpreters). You can listen directly from your web browser and check the talks info page for more details on c3lingo.
The Congress comes to life in particular through the various assemblies and their projects. Browse the list of all assemblies and use the continuously updated digital map by c3nav.
If there is any digital content that you would like to share with Congress participants, you can create it yourself or find it in the wiki. The wiki is one of many features of the “Hub”, which has been created during rC3 and developed and expanded since then. Features including the personalized schedule, an album for digital badges and a pinboard for spontaneous ideas and offers, and others are again available for this Congress.
For young Congress participants, the Kidspace is an exciting environments that is optimised for children, you are welcome to swing by!
Protect your health and the community
By participating at 37C3 you are about to attend an event with many thousands of participants. Help us live by our mantra: All Creatures Welcome.
Congress is a place for open and respectful exchange between all tolerant creatures.
To ensure your safety, there are teams that help you in crises and emergency situations.
Please stay vigilant about protecting yourself and your fellow participants against infectious diseases. At 37C3, there will be Covid tests and protective face masks available on site.
And though it is an inconvenience – if you feel sick, have symptoms of infection or even proof that you have been infected, it goes without saying that you are should not visit the event for everyone’s protection.
In cases of medical emergencies on site, do not hesitate to contact the Chaos Emergency Response Team (CERT) using the DECT number 112. This number is not available on the event GSM network; if necessary, ask someone with a DECT phone to call this number for you. 112 is the number for emergency services in the outside world as well, so make sure you are calling it on the internal network if you want to reach CERT.
37C3 in −2, −1, …
Packed all your gear? Checked all your backups? Read all the info pages?
You’re ready, and we’re looking forward to seeing you in Hamburg!
Image by Yves Sorge CC BY-SA 2.0