Lightning Talks

You got your ticket to the Camp.  Next question: What would you like to say?

If you can share your ideas, thoughts, hacks, projects, camp or quick entertaining performance in front of a huge audience in five minutes or less, you should give a Lightning Talk!

These sessions of short presentations are a great way to catch an overview of the amazing things your fellow campgoers are doing. While most of the talks focus on software and hardware projects or overviews of self organized sessions, there’s always an occasional creative prank or simply inexplicable moment you’ll want to see in person.

If you’ve never given a talk on stage before, speak at conferences for a living and MUST BE HEARD at the camp or live somewhere between those two extremes–the Lightning Talks are for you! There’s no curation, it’s just a matter of following directions. Slots are assigned first-come, first-served basis.

Registration is now open for the Lightning Talk sessions at the camp. As with anything around here, get your talk in before there’s no slots left to give!