Weblink for assembly
The friendly hacker channel
Parts of assembly
1126, 5eruun, A.tr0x, Aestetix, Alexander Brock, Algoldor, Aliosha, Allspark, Alx, Amir, Andi, Andrenarchy, Andy2, AnkeD, Armageddon421, Arne, Asdfuser, Astro, Averell, Azidburn, Babilen, Bad, Bam, Barnslig, Basti2342, BenBE, BenG, Benibr, Bert, Bigalex, Bios, Birger, Blinry, Blkhawk, Bluebrother, Bluec0re, Blueloop, Bluemike, Breaker, Brenner, BugBlue, Byte, C-Keen, C3o, CalgaryConehead, Carton, Cfo, Cgre, Chithanh, Chrische … further results
AEON, BarfBag, BiscuIT, ChaosVPN, Code Hero, DocPatch, Frab, Fullcircle, I2P, Info-beamer, Libhpxml, OnionCat, OpenSeaMap AR, PaparazziUAV, Smrender, Windf
Arduino For Total Newbies Workshop day2, Arduino For Total Newbies Workshop day3, Austrian Net Politics Meetup, Brewing probiotic beverages, Build your own Light-Theremin with Moldover, Build your own Light-Theremin with Moldover 2, Building Wikidata, CAcert Mini-ATE, CAcert user support session, Code Hero/Workshop, Cooperation Wikipedia-OpenStreetMap, Crowdsourcing Legislation, Cryptoparty 2, Cryptoparty Best Practices, Cryptoparty Best Practices Follow Up, Cryptoparty Handbook, Digital Cooking, EU Data Protection Reform - Call for Arms, Entwicklung eines freien Schul-Informations-Systems, Exploiting SCADA, Gentoo e.V. Mitgliederversammlung, Geocaching, Global Radiation Monitoring, GoDo Workshop, Hacking and Contribution Party, Hacking and Contribution Party 2, Harbor photowalk, How exactly are we changing the world?, Knitting Hidden Images, Laser engraving, Textile Design, Computer Embroidery, Button/Pin Making. Be creative!, Life is a HoloDeck !, Mass collaboration and recruiting, Nazis? Not in any department!, Net neutrality, OSM Data Processing with Smrender, Open Access in the context of other open movements, OpenBTS workshop, Pentabug, Pentarm13uxx, PiPhone, Policccy, Political Memory, Probiotic kefir making, Rebuild Copyright, SMT soldering workshop, SMT soldering workshop day2, SQL Injection Workshop - Basics, SQL Injection Workshop - Basics 2, SmdSoldering/Workshop, SolarRoboFlower workshop … further results
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Fun :)
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