


The PiPhone is a VoIP tool developped by La Quadrature du Net to help EU citizens call the Members of the Parliament for free, during targeted campaigns. Activists of La Quadrature du Net create a campaign, including a weighted list of target MEPs, and citizens have an occasion to randomly pick one of the "targets", according to their country or in general, and call them for free, either using their pre-configured VoIP software, or using a clever callback mechanism, directly by being called on their own phone.

See it live: http://demo.piphone.eu/campaign/call2/demonstration-campaign

Come and hack on the PiPhone to make it better suitable fo the needs of other activists, translate it, improve its design, etc!

Type: Hands-On
Processed by assembly: La Quadrature du Net
Person organizing vinci (Benjamin S.)
Orga contact contact@laquadrature.net

Starts at 2012/12/28 06:00:00 PM
Ends at 2012/12/28 08:00:00 PM
Duration 120 minutes
Location La Quadrature du Net
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