


Net neutrality
There are still too many violations of net neutrality in Europe and not much is being done in order to prevent operators to restrict our internet access... and then there's only blabla from policy makers! In 2013, the European Commission will try to continue to do nothing in order to protect our neutral and open internet, and only produce some guidelines for operators instead of proposing legislation. What can we do about this? What are your ideas for campaigns in order to push for net neutrality in the EU? Report your experience with national campaigns...
Type: Workshop
Processed by assembly: La Quadrature du Net
Person organizing kik1
Orga contact kirsten@nurpa.be

Starts at 2012/12/28 03:00:00 PM
Ends at 2012/12/28 04:30:00 PM
Duration 90 minutes
Location La Quadrature du Net
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