
28C3 – Can’t Afford to Pay the Full Price?


Since we forgot to mention it in the first place: Yes, we do have a 28c3-friends request address for people who can’t afford to pay the full ticket price. We’ve added information to

If you or someone you know can’t afford to pay the full price for a ticket, send a mail to Please tell us, why this person can’t pay the full price and why he or she should take part in 28C3 nevertheless. Usually we agree on some affordable price. But please keep in mind that tickets are already very cheap and that we can handle only a limited …

28C3 Tickets


In few words.


  • Sunday, November 06, 10:00PM CET (UTC+1) (½ of all tickets)
  • Monday, November 14, 16:00PM CET (UTC+1) (¼ of all tickets)
  • Tuesday, November 29, 10:00AM CET (UTC+1) (¼ of all tickets)


Standard EUR 80,–
Members CCC e.V. EUR 50,–
Up-and-Coming Hackers EUR 25,– (born after 1993-12-26)
Supporters EUR 140,-
Business EUR 280,- (excl. VAT)


Camp Tickets Downloadable Now


Finally we’re done with generating all ticket PDFs! :)

If you’ve ordered a Camp ticket in the online sales system and also payed it, you can download your ticket from now.

For those of you, who registered an email address we’ll additionally send the PDFs by mail.

Please print out your tickets and bring them to the Camp! You need them in order to get your wrist bands.

Ticket Shop Closes Soon


The online shop for Camp tickets will close at 2011/07/20, two days from now.

If you didn’t buy a ticket yet, you should better go to our online shop now and buy one.

Since we don’t know, how many tickets we’ll still have left after online sales, we can’t promise there will be ticket sales at the door. Probably there will be, but if you want to be sure, better buy your tickets now!

Camp 2011: Ticket Shop Opened


We’re selling tickets for the Camp now. For more information, please read the Tickets page in our wiki.

Although the advance sale will be available until July 20th 2011, please order your tickets early. That helps us, because it tells us something about the number of participants and thus enables us to scale infrastructure to your needs.

Downloadable tickets are available in your presale-account


Downloadable tickets are available in your presale-account. NOW.

As you already may have noticed, the availability of your tickets has been delayed.. ahem.. just a little bit. But here’s the good news:

Your 27C3-tickets are available for download now!
Please log in to , download the pdf, print it out, and make sure to bring it with you to the cash desk.

We wish you a lot of fun at the 27C3!

All-Day-Tickets sold out


On Saturday the last batch of 27C3 tickets were sold. There are no all-day-passes left.
We will make the actual tickets available to you via your presale account on December, 13th shortly. The tickets will contain all relevant billing data and can be used as invoice.

Please print your ticket and bring it to the cashdesk.

Those who did not get a ticket during presale, please do not travel to the congress. There are no all-day-passes available at the cashdesk. Our door policy is strict: Only visitors with valid ticket codes will be granted entrance.

As of day 2 (2010-12-28) a few day-passes will …

Yes, you can still get a ticket to the 27C3


If you don’t have a ticket to the 27c3, but want one:

  1. Create an account on the presale system NOW.
  2. Come back on Saturday, December 4 at 16:00 CET (That’s 10 AM Eastern USA/7 AM Pacific USA).
  3. Reserve and purchase one of the tickets that will (likely) be released at that time.

If you’re a member of the press corps who wishes to purchase a press ticket, e-mail presse (at) with the details of your assignment and coverage plans. Press people also have to pay for their tickets.

(More information in German here)

Drittes Ticket-Kontingent und Eintrittsregelungen für Pressevertreter


Am 11. November lief der Verkauf des zweiten Kontingentes der Tickets für den 27C3 über unser Presale-System an. Außer einem kurzen Datenbankschluckauf und einer Verwirrung beim Zahlungsabschluß der Kreditkartenkunden gingen für rund zwei Stunden die 2.000 Karten problemlos über die Theke, der weitaus größte Teil innerhalb der ersten vier Minuten.

Wie angekündigt halten wir zum Dämpfen des Schwarzmarkts bis drei Wochen vor dem Congress ein Kontingent Tickets zurück. Dies wird in der letzten Runde des Vorverkaufs am Samstag, den 4. Dezember 2010, um 16 Uhr nachmittags freigegeben. Wieviele …

The main presale for 27C3 is beginning


Dear attendants in spe,

as announced earlier, the second batch of tickets for 27C3 will be available accompanying the initial Fahrplan release.

At Thursday, November 11th at 9 p.m. CET (that is 8 p.m. UTC), we will release the largest of our three allotments with 2,000 tickets. Log into our presale system. While the first batch was designated to hackers with rather long journeys to allow booking flights and hotels early, most tickets were sold to Germans. We have to rethink the policy for 28C3.

Please watch out for the booby traps below, so you won’t be left unhappy without a ticket:

  • To …

Different payment options for 27C3 tickets


As announced, there are many different possibilities to pay for your congress-tickets this year.

You cannot only pay by bank transfer, from today you can also choose to:

  • pay in cash at your local Erfa
    Please remember, that not all Erfas offer this service – and that the guy who takes your payments isn’t available all the time. Please find a worldwide list of all cashdesks at /wiki/Cashdesks.
  • pay with your creditcard
    With an additional charge of 5% you can also use your creditcard. Please log into the presale-system in order to find your unique payment-link.