
DiVOC: Call for Watchamacallit

DiVOC: Call for Watchamacallit



We’re looking for sessions, angels, and maps. To make the first DiVOC this year a full success, we need three things: angels, self-organized sessions, and maps. Therefor, here are three calls in one. And we have merch!

Call for Maps

The rC3 world was great, and for r2r we’d like to continue it on a smaller scale, so r2r will have a lobby. If you’d like to contribute one or more maps and hook them up to the lobby, please mail us at welt@diese-welt-ist-schlecht.de. Please let us know your hack space/group/project, the link your map is hosted at, and the start layer we …

33C3 – Call for Angels!


Join the Angels for the best Congress experience

Our Camp and our Chaos Communication Congress would not be possible without the great work of our volunteers, called Angels. Your engagement as an Angel is the perfect opportunity to become a part of Congress and make it even more amazing for everyone involved. Apart from that, volunteering is a great chance to meet new people.

What makes being an Angel so special, you may wonder? Let us answer this with another question: Are you able to run an event with thousands of visitors, creative minds, eager to discuss, explore and most of all: create? …

Welcome to Heaven!


A lot of helping hands make the congress what it is: an unforgettable experience. Our volunteers are called ‘Angels’, because that is what they are. Without the help of the Angels the congress wouldn’t be possible. They are managing the preparation, network, recordings, first aid, security, entrance, ticket desk, information centre and lots more.

Do not consume, participate!

We’re always looking for volunteers to help us manage everyday tasks at the congress. If you want to help making the 27C3 a huge success, contact us at 27c3-himmel@lists.ccc.de or visit the “Heaven” (“Himmel”) at the …