
Call for Interpreters: translate 38C3!

Call for Interpreters: translate 38C3!


Planning for Congress, unsure what to do there, interested in applying your impressive language skills? If you are multilingual and fluent in German, English and maybe other languages, please consider joining the interpreters team, c3lingo.

We interpret ALL talks in the three main halls and the two community stages live and in real-time. German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. Our work is transmitted live in the lecture halls, streamed to the Internet, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. We have another channel where we interpret into more languages, this …

21. Gulaschprogrammiernacht

21. Gulaschprogrammiernacht


ch(ea|i)p alternatives

The time has finally come: We want to invite you to the 21st Gulaschprogrammiernacht!

Save the date: 08.06.2023 - 11.06.2023 at HfG and ZKM, Lorenzstr. 15, 76135 Karlsruhe, Baden, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Europe, Earth, Sun, α-Quadrant, Milky Way, Laniakea.

You will find anything the hearts of hackers and haecksen long for at the Gulaschprogrammiernacht: talks, workshops, a demo show, blinkenlights, a big hackcenter, Karlsruhe’s yearly supply of mate and Tschunk, an epic …

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Expertise

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Expertise



  • The CfP has been extended until 20.3.2022
  • We’re making Putins Ukraine war the topic for a whole day (Saturday 16.04.)
  • Looking for: qualified contributions about help for refugees, OS intelligence, fact checking, open flow of information, protection against cyber attacks, hacker ethics, reconciliation
  • Contributions to other serious and fluffy topics still welcome!

We are devastated by Putins military invasion of Ukraine. We could have never wanted our theme - bridging bubbles - to be as urgent. Because we will need to build bridges between Ukrainians, Russians and the …

20. Gulaschprogrammiernacht

20. Gulaschprogrammiernacht


factory reset … done: hello, world

You have been eagerly awaiting it, a few panic-stricken inquiries have already reached us. Now the time has finally come: We want to invite you - one week earlier than usual - to the 20th Gulaschprogrammiernacht!

Save the date: 19.05. - 22.05.2022 at HfG and ZKM, Lorenzstr. 15, 76135 Karlsruhe, Baden, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Europe, Earth, Sun, α-Quadrant, Milky Way, Laniakea.

This GPN will take place under new and special conditions. Probably we will have some clarity of the actual local regulations regarding the COVID19 pandemic at some point in April …

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Participation

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Participation


tl;dr Talks, art projects and music for the stream of DiVOC bb3. Deadline for submissions: 13.3.2022, Event 15.–18.4.2022.

During the pandemic, the bubbles and echo chambers all of us inhabit seem to have gotten even tighter and more impermeable. We look forward to your talks about technology, science, politics and society. We’re particularly interested in talks addressing current social debates, questions of participation, accessibility, science education and science denial, and “fake news”.

And this time we would like to try out a new format: each day, we want to a have panel on a …

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Collaboration

DiVOC Bridging Bubbles – Call for Collaboration


tl;dr A hybrid event: online and in your hackspaces. Do weird things to coax people out of their bubbles and to connect them with others. Contribute on the Wiki and IRC #divoc-bb3, to help plan this. From 15.-18. April 2022.

During the pandemic, the bubbles and echo chambers all of us inhabit seem to have gotten even tighter and more impermeable. We want to interact and merge the bubbles. DiVOC has to replace Easterhegg for the third time, but this time around we hope that the situation allows for small groups to do things together in person. So let’s use the chance to network the …

Datenspuren 2021: Log Down Light

Datenspuren 2021: Log Down Light


tl;dr: 18.–19. September 2021 Datenspuren in Dresden

07:39:01 CRON[797003]: (root) CMD ( [ -x /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && \
if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/lib/php/sessionclean; fi)

Aus den Rechenzentren dieser Welt ertönt ein dröhnendes Rauschen.

07:49:11 asterisk[1427]: #033[1;33mNOTICE#033[0m[1734]: #033[1;37mchan_sip.c#033
[0m:#033[1;37m15981#033[0m #033[1;37msip_reg_timeout#033[0m: -- Registration for
'' timed out, trying again (Attempt #684751)

In dunklen Kammern rauschen Logdateien auf die Festplatten, um dann meistbietend versteigert …

#rC3: Es war einmal kein Congress …

#rC3: Es war einmal kein Congress …


Once upon a time, the people of the nerds wanted to celebrate their annual festival. But the lands were struck by a pestilence, and it was dangerous to go out and meet other entities. The nerds lamented, for their festival was the highest holiday in their world. But they were all wise creatures, and since wise creatures do not let other creatures come to harm, the committee decided that the celebration would be canceled in the year of the plague.

But the people were strong and wise, and so they pondered. And someone suggested to create an enormous artificial island, which everyone could enter …

Call for Interpreters: translate #rC3!


If you are multilingual and fluent in German, English and maybe other languages, please consider joining the translation team.

We want to interpret ALL talks in the two main channels and content from other channels too, live and in real time. Our work is transmitted live in the streams, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. For each event we have two channels for interpreted content. In the first, German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. A second translation channel translates into languages other than English or German – what we do there depends on …

Datenspuren 2020: Call for Participation in Utopia

Datenspuren 2020: Call for Participation in Utopia


Nach langer Suche haben wir einen Exoplanet mit habitabler Zone entdeckt. Erste Messungen lassen auf eine hohe Viruslast schließen. Eine bemannte Mission ist daher nicht durchführbar. Unser erstes Raumschiff ist zur Datenaufnahme unterwegs. Es werden noch weitere Raumschiffe mit Modulen für eine Bodenstation und Erkundungsrobotern folgen. Es eröffnet sich für alle Wesen unseres Planeten gerade die Möglichkeit eine utopische Welt zu gründen. Wir suchen daher noch:

  • Forschungsthemen (Vorträge)
  • Experimente (Workshops)
  • Module für die Bodenstation (Installationen)

Die Bodenstation soll bis zum …

EH20 Deadline voraus!


Der Call for Participation zum Easterhegg 2020 endet am 17. Februar um 24:00 CET. Ihr habt noch eineinhalb Tage Zeit, um Beiträge einzureichen! Zum CfP kommt Ihr hier: Wenn Eure Einreichung angenommen wird und Ihr kein Glück beim Ticket-Vorverkauf hattet, bekommt Ihr natürlich noch die Gelegenheit, ein Ticket zu kaufen.

Natürlich gibt es auf dem Easterhegg wie immer viel Raum für selbstorganisierte Workshops. Hierfür könnt Ihr Euch ab dem 25. Februar
in unserem Wiki anmelden. Für die selbstorganisierten Workshops können wir keine weiteren Tickets zur …

Call for interpreters: translate 36C3!


Heading for Congress, unsure what to do there, interested in applying your impressive language skills? If you are multilingual and fluent in German, English and maybe other languages, please consider joining the translation team.

We interpret ALL talks in the five main halls live and in real-time. German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. Our work is transmitted live in the lecture halls, streamed to the Internet, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. A second translation channel will be operated in the same way.

That is a lot of material to translate and in …