
Call for Subtitles


As you might know, during 32c3 the Subtitles Angels created real-time subtitles for all the talks which took place in Hall 1 and 2. These allowed hearing impaired visitors to follow the talks, and also provided assistance to the non-native German or English speakers.

cch outside

Foto: CC public domain zero 1.0 by Sanpi via flickr

As the last recordings are being released, the task of creating subtitles for all recording has …

Democracy – Im Rausch der Daten

congress kino


In the course of the 32C3 a cinema nearby is going to show the documentary film „

Democracy – Im Rausch der Daten“ (mp4) on December, 29th. The Cinema is in a walking distance of about fifteen minutes away from the CCH, near the University of Hamburg. There is no need to worry about the German title, the audio will mostly be mixed between English, German and other European languages and there will be …

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications


Ring Ring!

At 32C3, we will again provide to you a phone infrastructure operated by the Phone Operation Center (POC), so do not forget to bring your DECT phone with you (and the right charger, possibly a headset if you have one). In addition to many other features and easter eggs, the audio streams of the talks as well as the simultaneous translations will be available via telephone.

dect pizza

DECT in use – CC BY-Nc 2.0 via …

Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!


Visiting the 32C3 and wondering what the city has to offer? Try one of our tours! Our goal is to show Hamburg to the visitors of the 32C3 like no other tour guide would. We’ve selected fascinating tours showing the behind the scenes of our most fascinating technology related sites.

Save a seat for a tour on our webpage.

Here’s a list of our tours (English and German):


DESY – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 via flickr/Kay_B


If you’ve ever …

Brew-it-yourself mit den coffeenerds


Dear Coffee lovers,

At the last congress a lot of you already found their way to our assembly of the Coffeenerds, where you could brew your own delicious coffee.

We are a group of nerds, that like to share our passion about good coffee and we want to offer as many visitors as possible the taste of unique coffees. Following our brew-it-yourself concept, a lot of brewing methods like Aeropress an V60 can be tried out.

Last year you already donated lots of coffee beans and brewing equipment, so everybody could try and drink for free. Thank you for that! We will bring our own equipment again, …

Can’t be in Hamburg? Try Congress Everywhere!

Can’t be in Hamburg? Try Congress Everywhere!


TL;DR: Please set up a congress everywhere near you, invite your neighbors and take part in C.H.A.O.S.!

Remember when we met in Berlin at the bcc? The 25C3 was when we first stuck those pesky signs on the door that read “Sold out, we’re sorry”. The building was already incredibly packed and we couldn’t let anyone in anymore. This inspired the concept of “congress everywhere” which debuted at the 26C3. The theme of that congress was “Here be Dragons”, so the idea to expand the fun of the congress beyond the bcc was called “Dragons everywhere”.

But what was this notion of “congress everywhere”? …

Arrival by train, staring at 89,- Euro to 29c3


The German railway company, Deutsche Bahn, has kindly allotted us a quota of special price train tickets. For the first time, also flexible (“regular”) Tickets can be booked online.

Compared to last year, you can now choose between four types of tickets: fixed tickets (you have to choos a train at the time of booking your ticket) and regular tickets (you hop on every train you like), bookable on- and offline, first or second class.


    1. class, fixed: 89,00 Euro
    1. class, fixed: 149,00 Euro
  • Regular, flexible ticket: add 30,00 Euro
  • Only available at …

Tickets für den 27. Chaos Communication Congress


Während der Call for Participation für den 27. Chaos Communication Congress (27C3) “We come in peace” noch bis zum 9. Oktober 2010 läuft, möchten wir geneigten Besuchern die Reiseplanung erleichtern. Es wird dieses Jahr einen Ticket-Vorverkauf geben.


Wie im letzten Jahr eindrucksvoll zu sehen war, unterliegt der Ansturm auf den Congress keinen meßbaren Schwankungen: Das bcc war voll und die Tickets ausverkauft. Das Prinzip Hoffnung hat nicht funktioniert, und zurecht gab es Mißmut bei extra von weit her Angereisten, die abgewiesen wurden oder keine klare Ansage bekommen haben, wie es …