Chaos Communication Camp

Follow the White Rabbit

Follow the White Rabbit


class Crash {

    name = "Crash!"
	description = "Scavenger hunt (Schnitzeljagd) for space travellers"
	duration = 3h
	price = "Certified Mixer of the Pangalactic Gargle Blaster"

	function play() {
		if (won == 1) {
			print("Congratulations! You are now a " + price)
            exit program
		} else {
			solve next task and have fun

function doShitAtTheCamp() {
	enjoy the camp and be excellent to each other!

function followTheWhiteRabbit() {

	while (universe) {
		if (now > day4) {
			exit program
		} else if …

Ticket system re-opens Friday, 2015-07-31, 22:00 CEST

  • Unpaid tickets ordered before July 16th are dropped now. Do not pay for those anymore!
  • There will be 250 tickets made available on Friday, 2015-07-31, at 22:00 CEST sharp!
  • Please pay for your precious ticket immediately after you have ordered it! Ask friends to help you out!
  • Once those 250 tickets are gone, you can create a verpeiler-friends-request.
  • We all need to move closer together to have enough space for everyone.

Verpeiler-friends-request? If you don’t get your ticket on Friday, you have one very last, very tiny chance: Go to the ticket system and convince us that you are one of our …

Survival tips for professional visitors

Survival tips for professional visitors


We’re delighted by the immense public interest in the diverse activities at Chaos Communication Camp in Mildenberg. All lectures will be remotely available via live-stream and download. This way, we include community members that are unable to attend. Of course, media representatives are welcome as well, as is the team shooting parts of a documentary on site.


Chaos Communication Camp, CC BY-NC 2.0, via flickr/mseery …

Water at the Camp


As usual, the Chaos Communication Camp takes places in the middle of Nowhere. That means, quite all infrastructure for the needs of thousands of participants has to be carried out to the location.

The Ziegeleipark Mildenberg is connected to the local fresh water and waste water system. But it is not designed for that many people. So we have to store water for showers and taps. And even the waste water needs to be collected, so that it can be dumped in the night, when there is less usage from the villages around. Speaking of toilets: other than during past Camps, there will be no chemical …

Camp 2015 Ticket Shop is open now!


We all are very much looking forward to Camp 2015 – the new location makes things very exciting but such a new location also makes it very costly: We’ll need to get at least 950.000 EUR from ticket sales, which brings us down to an average ticket price of ~212 EUR.

When we moved the Congress to the new venue in 2012 we have been facing the same issue, remember?
Back then, we didn’t want to raise the price above 100 EUR and right now we don’t want to go above 200 EUR: We leave this, again, up to everyone of you to contribute as much as you can afford to – to make …

Plan Your Travel for Camp 2015


The Chaos Communication Camp 2015 approaches with giant steps! Whelp, it’s high time for a round of basic information, so you can plan your journey accordingly.

The dates

Call for Participation: Chaos Communication Camp 2015

Call for Participation: Chaos Communication Camp 2015


The Chaos Communication Camp in Mildenberg is an open-air hacker camp and party that takes place every four years, organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC). Thousands of hackers, technology freaks, artists and utopians get together in a field for five days in the Brandenburg high summer – to communicate, learn, hack on things and party together.

We focus on topics such as information technology, digital security, hacking, crafting, making and breaking, and we engage in creative, sceptical discourse on the interaction between technology and society.

We’d love to see your submission for these …

Chaos Communication Camp 2015: Save the date!

Chaos Communication Camp 2015: Save the date!


Not just because of tradition, but because we can: There will be a Camp in 2015 again!

After more than three thousand guests at the last Camp in 2011, we expect many outdoor enthusiasts, who like to hack during the day and marvel at the light displays at night and will celebrate the ultimate party in the middle of the festival season with us. Let’s just bring all the great experiences from the Congress out on the lawn and do all the experiments too dangerous for the halls of the CCH!

After an exhaustive search we found the perfect green field site for hackers of all kinds to build a camp with …

Campguide released

Campguide released


For your orientation and answering the most frequent questions, we created a nice Campguide.

Included in the Campguide is a map with all the facilities and the larger villages. In the center are the two lecture shelters “Kourou” and “Baikonur” and the “Hackcenter” north of it. In front of the Hackcenter shelter is the “motodrone” located, the area where you can fly your quadcopters or similar objects. Behind the Hackcenter next to the small forest you can find the “Trockendock”, an area with music, lights and bars. South and east of the lecture shelters is the main camping area with a lot of …

Camp Tickets Downloadable Now


Finally we’re done with generating all ticket PDFs! :)

If you’ve ordered a Camp ticket in the online sales system and also payed it, you can download your ticket from now.

For those of you, who registered an email address we’ll additionally send the PDFs by mail.

Please print out your tickets and bring them to the Camp! You need them in order to get your wrist bands.

More Ticket Options


We added two more ticket options for the Chaos Communication Camp 2011:

  • Day Tickets for 45€
  • Night Tickets for 20€ (valid from 21:00h)

With those tickets you can visit the Camp, all lectures, workshops and the parties in the evening but you have to leave the campsite before sunrise.

Children under the age of 12 (born after August 10, 1999) get in for free. If you want to take a trip to the Camp and don’t want to leave your family at home, bring them all.

See all ticket options on the Tickets website.