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This is the online-version of the Campguide handed out to every participant. Check out what has not been printed.


See the PDF for details / print.

A newer map of villages and infrastructure is now available.




Please ...

  • treat other lifeforms as you would like to be treated, or even better, have lots of fun together.
  • treat the planes and other exhibits around you nicely, don’t break or attach anything to them.
  • in case of a medical emergency, stay calm and head over to the CERT (the red cross on the map), or call 112 or 911 using any DECT phone.
  • in any other emergency situation you can call 110 using a DECT phone for HonkHase & his crew.
  • don't light open fires. We have a designated fire place near the main bar.
  • don't photograph people or their gear without explicit permission.
  • ask members of the press nicely to leave you alone if they bother you.
  • bring all trash to the trash cans. You can get free trash bags at the info point in the Hackcenter. If a trash can is full call 115. (Engel-Dispatcher)
  • take everything you brought to the camp site with you when you leave. (Last time cleaning the camping field was a real pain.)


See Fahrplan.



Power is a limited resource on the camp-site. Please be aware; while switching on a monitor, you may risk the power-supply of your neighbours doing important stuff. Don't use refrigerators, water boilers or other load intensive devices.

If you have any Problems or need help you can call 7697 (Vanity POWR on DECT).

How do I connect to the network?

Datenklos, our portable housing facilities with power and network connections, will be deployed all around the campsite. You can have your own cable plugged into the network for easy browsing in your tent. Just place the cable in front of the nearest Datenklo, and NOC volunteers will come by to plug all the cables into the switch about once an hour.

A wireless network is available for 802.11a/g/n access. Consider using 5GHz equipment for better signal coverage. However, with wireless, your signal is always other people's noise, so if you intend to beat the heck out of our network, please get a cable.

Contact the NOC Helpdesk in the Hackcenter with any other questions, and please don’t trip over the fibers when strolling around! :-) See Network

In case of an emergency, stay calm and call for a medical emergency!

Head over to the CERT (the red cross on the map), or call 112 or 911 using any DECT phone.

I have a security or other real problem!

Call 110 using a DECT phone for HonkHase and his crew.

What's the deal with those phones?

We have full DECT coverage and our own GSM network at the camp. Register your DECT or GSM phone with the Phone Operation Center (POC) and you can call other camp participants, and even be reached from the outside via base number +49 461 5056623-(9)#### (9 is prefix for GSM) and call within Germany starting with regional prefix. Important numbers: Emergency: 112 / 911. HonkHase: 110. Infodesk: 1111. Heaven: 115. See POC and GSM.

Camp ... Radio?

Yes! Tune in at 92.6 MHz. And more: bring your DVB-T equipment for lecture broadcasts. See Radio

Where can I see the lectures?

The lectures take place in the shelters Kourou and Baikonur. You can also watch them as video stream or via DVB-T (xx.xx Mhz). Or listen in via DECT numbers 8001 (Kourou) and 8002 (Baikonur). See Lectures

Where is the nearest ATM or super-market?

For nearby shopping locations, phar­macy and ATM, check out Important Places

You guys rock, I want to help!

Wow, that's great! Actually, the camp would be impossible without the help from hundreds of volunteers. If you want to participate, just head over to the Heaven (volunteer area) or have a look at Volunteers

What's not printed?

Well, let's see: There are lots of Workshops, Projects and Villages. You may be interested to learn how to control your Badge.

The Earth
Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz