


Education – not our department? Auf dem Junghackertrack am Tag 3 wendet sich der CCC an das junge Publikum. Zwischen 12 und 20 Uhr gibt es jede Menge zu tun: Alarmanlagen basteln, elektronische Käfer (pentabugs) basteln oder lernen, wie Schlösser funktionieren – das “Chaos macht Schule”-Projekt, ein Zusammenschluss mehrerer CCC-Erfas stellt sich und seine Arbeit vor. Während gebastelt wird, gibt es Vorträge zum “Chaos macht Schule”-Projekt, der kreativen Nutzung von Medien und Datenschutz. Außerdem steht das “Chaos macht Schule”-Team in einer Podiumsdiskussion Rede und Antwort.

Der Eintritt …

mrmcd2012 – Call for Participation


Liebes Internet,

wie Du weißt, finden in nicht mehr allzu ferner Zukunft, nämlich vom 7. bis 9. September 2012, die diesjährigen mrmcd in Darmstadt statt.

Falls Du das Contentteam beglücken willst, nehmen wir bereits jetzt unter https://frab.mrmcd.net/de/mrmcd12/cfp/session/new Einreichungen
und Ideen entgegen.

Falls Du Dir unsicher bist, ob Deine Idee (Themen, Vortragende, die Du gerne hören möchtest, total neue Konzepte zur Teilnehmerbespaßung, die Unmassen an Ressourcen verbrauchen oder Zeppeline beinhalten) machbar ist oder Du das Frab nicht magst, kannst Du uns auch eine Mail an …

Crypto Talk at 27C3: Automatic Identification of Cryptographic Primitives in Software, Day1, 16:00, Saal 3


FingerprintMany applications, including closed source applications like malware or DRM-enabled multimedia players (you might consider them as malware too) use cryptography. When analyzing these applications, a first step is the identification and localization of the cryptographic building blocks (cryptographic primitives, for example AES, DES, RSA…) in the applications. When these blocks have been localized, the input and output of the cryptographic primitives and the key management can be observed and the application can be analyzed further. Fortunately, many cryptographic algorithms use special …

Bring Your DVB-T receivers


At 27C3 all lectures will be broadcast via DVB-T and reception will be possible in and around the bcc. Visitors can watch via TV if they want avoid overcrowded lecture rooms.

To receive the signal any PC with DVB-T-USB-Stick, TV set with DVB-T tuner or cellphone with DVB-T-function will work. We will publish all needed configuration files and a list of working and non-working receivers in the wiki.

The Bundesnetzagentur (German regulation body) has allocated channel 22 (482MHz) for us, where we will transmit with 6 watts ERP.

The last time DVB-T was available on Chaos Congress was at 24C3 …

24 Hour Hardware Hacking Returns to 27c3

24 Hour Hardware Hacking Returns to 27c3


Hackers of all ages can (learn how to) make things at the Hardware Hacking Area of the 27c3!

The HHA is open to everyone and open the entire congress! Hackers of all ages and skill levels are welcome! Round-the-clock hands on workshops will be led by lots of experienced teachers like Mitch Altman, Jimmie P. Rodgers, fbz, Wim Vandeputte and…you!

Learn to solder, then help teach others! Make cool things with electronics, design and print 3D models on the Makerbot, break RFID, or give your own workshop on the projects you’ve been hacking on this year. Last year there was a Cantenna workshop, a …

Lightning Talks at the 27c3

Lightning Talks at the 27c3


Want four minutes on stage at the 27c3? You can have it! Registration is now open for the Lightning Talk sessions at the 27c3.

Taking place at 12:45 in Saal 3 on Days 2, 3 and 4, these fast paced sessions are perfect for pitching new software or hardware projects, exploits, creative pranks or strange ideas you need to share with the world.

Lightning talks are also good for getting publicity for your workshop at the 27c3, or for recruiting people to join in on things like a high calorie flash mob.

In order to maximize the available time, registrations will be granted to presenters who submit …

Content Meetings are over: Fahrplan released


This past Sunday, we concluded the second and final Content Meeting for 27C3. We’ve looked at all 223 submissions for talks and presentations and selected what we feel are the best 98 of them. We’d like to thank all submitters for the many interesting proposals that lightened up our work.

A lot of Pentacards

One card for each talk that was accepted for 27C3

But now, the schedule for the 27th Chaos Communication Congress is mostly done. So today we …

SIGINT10 recordings available


Some of you might have already noticed that the biggest part of this year’s SIGINT recordings were published on ftp.ccc.de. These videos are also available for online viewing in your web browser in our media archive.

The last bunch of videos will be available after manual cutting and reencoding. Unfortunately this needs some time. But it will not be forgotten. This is the list of those 28 missing files to complete the 68 recordings in total:

  • “cognitive_cities”
  • “the_medium_is_the_messiah”
  • “computer.spiele.politik”
  • “buying_privacy_in_digitized_cities”
  • “future_3.0”
  • “heart_of_gold” …

Chaos BBQ Weekend 2010 – Call for Papers


Seid gegrüßt, liebe Geeks!

Wie ihr vielleicht schon aus den üblichen Quellen erfahren habt, wird der Chaostreff Dortmund auch in diesem Jahr wieder mit einem Chaos BBQ Weekend an den Start gehen. Unter dem Motto “construct, deconstruct!” wird es vom 16. bis 18. Juli neben dem obligatorischen Grillen wieder Vorträge, Lightning Talks und Workshops rund um den Stoff, aus dem die (Nerd-)Träume sind, geben.

Um ein möglichst buntes Angebot an interessanten Themen anbieten zu können, möchten wir Euch hiermit einladen, Euch mit Euren Themen am Call for Papers zu beteiligen.

Gewünscht sind Vorträge und …

Dear Speakers & Lightning-talkers


It’s time to glam up your lecture-descriptions!

Starting this year, every lecture’s long description will be printed in the Congress’ Proceedings. This was decided in the very last days.
So please try to enhance the abstract and description of your lecture in the particular Pentabarf-Record until:

 Tomorrow, Sunday, 17:23:42 UTC

 (9am PST; 12pm EST; 20pm MSK // 1am CNST; 3am AEST)

The long-description may even be one or two pages long, especially if you don’t submit a paper. Even your short-bio and, if given, a public photo will be printed.

If you are about to make a lightning-talk about your …