
Call for Subtitles


Have you been hit by Post-Congress depression? Are you sitting at home and watching recorded Talks from between the years?
Bring a little bit of Congress to your home and help with improving quality and accessibility of the CCC recordings! You can work on the subtitles from the comfort of your home, as long or as short as you like to!

How does this work?
The transcripts are generated automatically by speech recognition software and improved and corrected by you. Since talks contain lots of domain-specific terms and may have speakers with heavy accents, this is very much necessary. The next …

Resources exhausted: Tear Down

Resources exhausted: Tear Down


TLDR: Tomorrow its over, teardown starts at 18:15, don’t do anything stupid.

Dear life forms participating in Congress,

tomorrow, 36c3 will sadly come to an end and teardown awaits. For that, we need your help.

We ask all assemblies to start dismantling their installations after the Closing Event at 18:15 on December 30th. Please use gates Hall 2 – Gate 2.5, Hall 2 – Gate 2.6 and Hall 3 – Gate 3.6 for loading. There will be angels with pallet trucks to help to move your stuff to the gates. Entry to the premises has to happen via Gate Süd 1. We kindly ask you to first pack your stuff, move it …

36c3 Assembly Anreise

36c3 Assembly Anreise


Dear Assemblies,

please be aware that you need to have your congress-wristband to enter the premises starting from 27.12. Furthermore we need the number plates of the cars with which you intend to deliver stuff. Please send them as a mail to or call us at 0341-39294864, the gate will only let declared cars pass.

Entry to the premises has to happen via Gate Süd 1, from there you’re able to drive directly to the halls. You can look up which hall your assembly is placed in using c3nav. Please use the logistics area in front of Hall 2 – Gate 2.5, Hall 2 – Gate 2.6 and Hall 3 – Gate …

C3GSM wants you to test yesterday’s future, today!


tl;dr: we will operate our own cellular network at 36C3. Bring your
mobile phone(s) and C3SIM card(s). Check the Wiki for latest status and device support.

Like previous years at 36C3 the C3GSM team will run a local cellular
network for mobile phones, alongside the
POC’s DECT system and the NOC’s IPv4 and IPv6 systems. As core network
for our cellular network we use the open source projects osmocom (for
2G/3G) and NextEPC (for 4G). There will only be a very limited number of
SIM cards available to buy. However, cards from previous CCC events can
be used, so please don’t forget to bring them. …

Call for Angels for the 36C3 buildup and teardown

Call for Angels for the 36C3 buildup and teardown



The buildup and teardown of 36C3 needs angels!

If you want to help with the buildup, you can come to Messe Leipzig from the 18th of December and show up in Heaven (CCL) or in hall 4 for info.
Bring warm clothes and solid shoes. Safety shoes, if you have some.
Be careful – buildup means the halls are construction sites! Take care of yourself and others. Stay in safe distance from vehicles and heavy machines and leave your pets at home. Please don’t bring children before the official start of the event if possible.
If you can stay a couple of days longer and want to earn eternal angel …

36C3 content teams running full steam

36C3 content teams running full steam


Last Sunday at midnight the submission period for our Call for Participation ended. The last submission, by a Swiss, landed just in time at 23:59:20 UTC. Our content curation teams will now use the next two weeks to review, rate, sort, and ultimately decide on a large number of submissions. We intend to inform all submitters on November 11th on whether we found a place for them in our Fahrplan.

At the time of our coordination meeting on Sunday there were 690 pending submissions in our system. To put this into perspective: If you would want to just spend a minute to review them all, you would …

36C3: Ressourcen sparen beim Ressourcenschonen: Günstig schlafen.


We now are able to announce that we can offer some low-budget sleeping accommodation in Leipzig. After negotiations with the city administration, we now have two locations available. Both are within walking distance from tram line 16. The locations are school buildings; we are able to use the class rooms for sleeping. Please bring your ohne sleeping bag and ground pad.

The locations will be available from 26th to 31st of December and are open around the clock.

Tickets will be sold at the 36C3 cash desk on site. The price will be €10 per night and person. This year, you can also buy tickets for …

36C3: Tickets & Presale

36C3: Tickets & Presale


It’s that time of the year again – we’re opening the presale for this year’s Chaos Communication Congress!

As in the last years, there will be two phases, with the first one starting on 2019-10-21. During the first phase, we will invite the core of our community to participate in the presale. It will end as soon as no more tickets are left in the pool for this phase, but by 2019-11-07 at the latest.

During the second phase we’ll open the presale to everybody on three dates. These dates are:

  • 2019-11-08 12:00 CET
  • 2019-11-10 17:00 CET
  • 2019-11-21 21:00 CET

Usually tickets are gone very fast on …

36C3 Bildungsurlaub [Stand: 2019-12-03]


Auch dieses Jahr strebt der Chaos Communication Congress an, als Bildungsveranstaltung in einigen Bundesländern anerkannt zu werden. Damit sind Congress-Teilnehmer in der Lage, für die Zeit der Veranstaltung Bildungsurlaub zu beantragen, und müssen nicht ihren normalen Erholungsurlaub dafür verwenden.

Bei Fragen ist das Bildungsurlaubsteam via Twitter zu erreichen: @c3edu.


Auf dieser Karte ist der aktuelle Stand der Anerkennungen sichtbar.

Bitte schaut hier regelmäßig nach, wie der Status für euer Bundesland ist und ob die nötigen …

Slam den #35C3

Slam den #35C3


Dieses Jahr gibt es im Nachtprogramm wieder was Neues: Die Sprachhacker unter uns übernehmen die große Bühne und liefern sich einen unterhaltsamen Wettstreit um die wortgewandteste Darbietung aus dem Hacker-Universum. Das Publikum wird entscheiden, welches von Euch selbst geschriebene und vorgetragene Stück Prosa, Lyrik, welche lustige Geschichte oder erfrischende Erinnerung aus Eurer Sysadmin-Arbeit, Euren Romanzen, WebDev-f*ckUps oder Congress-Erfahrungen den höchsten Unterhaltungswert hat. Den Gewinnern winken attraktive Preise!

Los geht es am Tag 3 um 1:10 Uhr in Saal Adams.

Nutzt doch die …

Das 21. Türchen der #35C3 Memory Lane: Mein Bügelbrett war’s

35c3-calendar 21

Das einundzwanzigste Türchen.

Eine echte Bank im Programm des Chaos Communication Congress sind die Security Nightmares, präsentiert von Ron und Frank, die sich in eingespielter Manier und mit wachsendem Zynismus die Bälle zuwerfen. Exemplarisch sei heute die Ausgabe vom 30C3 herausgegriffen, die ihrerseits die Nummer 14 der ausgesprochen traditionsreichen Vortragsreihe ist.

Das Jahr des 30C3 war auch das Jahr …

Das zwanzigste Türchen der #35C3 Memory Lane: Unter Terrorverdacht

35c3-calendar 20

Das zwanzigste Türchen.

Die inflationäre Verwendung des Begriffs „Terror“ ist schwer zu ignorieren. Im Jahr 2007 jedoch gab Anne Roth auf dem Chaos Communication Congress einen persönlichen und bedrückenden Einblick in die Situation einer Familie, die plötzlich unter Terrorverdacht nach Paragraph 129a StGB steht.

In ihrem Vortrag „What is terrorism?“ zeigt sie, wie leicht man aufgrund vager Beschuldigungen des …