38C3: Call for Assemblies

38C3: Call for Assemblies


tl;dr: Register your assembly now at https://events.ccc.de/congress/2024/hub/backoffice/, but no later than Sunday, 24 November, 23:42 (CET).

Hacking and shaping the world together seems more important than ever in light of current developments. Show us how you do it in your Chaostreffs, Hackerspaces or in your basement at home. Get stuck in together in Hamburg! Develop projects, form networks, connect, prepare sessions and workshops … Use light and colour for wonderfully glittering sand in the gears of so-called normality.

Do you just need a few tables to hack on? Or would your assembly like …

38C3: Call for Art

38C3: Call for Art


tl;dr: The annual Chaos Communication Congress, taking place on 27–30 Dec 2024 at the CCH in Hamburg is looking for workshops, installations, performances, music and artists!

Congress centers and exhibition halls tend to be rather boring and dull spaces. That’s why we are looking for you to bring color, art and culture to the convention. We hereby call on you to participate artistically in the design. There is a lot of space in the congress center and we are counting on you to design it artistically!

Do you have ideas for installations, performances, workshops or other art forms that you …

Azubi-Hacker*innen-Tag 38C3

Azubi-Hacker*innen-Tag 38C3


Am 29.12.2024 lädt der CCC zum zweiten Azubi-Tag auf dem jährlichen Chaos Communication Congress. Letztes Jahr war er schon ein voller Erfolg und wir sind gespannt auf die nächste Iteration!

Eingeladen sind Auszubildende, die den Congress und den CCC kennenlernen möchten. Sie bekommen ein vergünstigtes Tagesticket.

Info-Grafik mit einem Cyberwehr-Auto und pinken/blauen LEDS im Hintergrund und folgendem Text: „38C3 Azubi-Tag. Workshops und Vorträge zu IT-Sicherheit, Hacking, Technik und Kultur auf dem Congress des Chaos Computer Club – Europa größten Hacker\*innen-Vereinigung. 29.12.2024. Intro und vergünstigte Tickets für Azubis. Mehr Infos unter https://events.ccc.de/congress/2024/infos/azubi-tag.html. Bild: CC-BY Leah Oswald“

Es wird eine Einführungsveranstaltung und ein Programm für Auszubildende geben.

Das Programm des Congresses beschränkt sich nicht auf IT-Thematik, sondern beinhaltet auch Beiträge zu Kunst, Kultur und Gesellschaft, sodass der Congress auch für Azubis außerhalb der klassischen …

38C3: School Gymnasiums – the affordable option for sleeping accommodation

38C3: School Gymnasiums – the affordable option for sleeping accommodation


Good news: Once again we were able to convince some nearby schools to let us use their gymnasiums as sleeping spaces. Tickets will cost 5 € per night. They will be sold at the cashdesk from day 0 until day 4, starting at 18:00. Each evening, tickets will be sold for the current night only.

We have reserved a special allocation for angels who have worked some shifts. Gymnasium tickets for angels will be available at Heaven at all times and for more than just the current day.

Showers and toilets will be available on site, you need to bring your own camping mat and sleeping bag.

Please note: …

38C3 Community Stages – Call for Participation

38C3 Community Stages – Call for Participation


For the three major stages at 38C3, the Call for Participation has just concluded. Many great talks have been submitted and the content team is already reviewing them.

As every year, we have had to consider how to curate the other two stages. We found a solution: habitats located around these stages will curate a program together. A team of volunteers has quickly formed to brainstorm tracks, adding their own unique focuses and accents.

The Community Content Team is now looking forward to your contributions – the full call can be found here. Please note that speakers in this part of the …

Invitation to the Nights of open Knowledge

Invitation to the Nights of open Knowledge


You are warmly invited to attend NooK 2024 in beautiful Lübeck! The Nights of Open Knowledge will take place on 8 and 9 November 2024 at the Audimax of the University of Lübeck. As every year, we offer a wide range of topics, from highly technical to non-technical.

NooK 2024 is the twelfth event of its kind in Lübeck. Over two evenings, there will be more than 30 talks, lightning talks, booths, and self-organized sessions. Of course, there will also be snacks, Mate, entertainment, and, as always, a giant coloring mural!

Once again, there’s the opportunity to learn soldering, with the THW …

chaos.jetzt Geekend #jetzt7 – Late NIColaus

chaos.jetzt Geekend #jetzt7 – Late NIColaus


Wir freuen uns, euch jetzt zur achten Ausgabe des chaos.jetzt-Geekends einzuladen! Von Freitag, dem 13. bis Sonntag, dem 15. Dezember (eine Woche nach dem NIColaus) machen wir das temporärhaus in Neu-Ulm temporär zu unserem neuen kreativen Zuhause.

Falls ihr noch nicht von uns gehört habt, wir veranstalten regelmäßig Geekends für junge Menschen aus dem Chaosumfeld. Und das jedes Mal dezentral organisiert in einem anderen Hackspace.

Freut euch auf ein Wochenende, das ganz im Zeichen selbstorganisierter Sessions, innovativer Workshops und mitreißender Vorträge steht. Auch der Austausch …

38C3 Presale: Modus Operandi

38C3 Presale: Modus Operandi


We’re happy to finally announce the presale for this year’s Chaos Communication Congress. It will work slightly differently than last year:

Just like in the past, our presale aims to make sure that both the active core of our community and newcomers can join and shape 38C3. By “active core”, we mean the volunteers/angels who are dedicating their time to make Congress possible and awesome, as well as the many local and regional groups of the Chaos community who each contribute their own perspectives and interests to Congress.

This year, we’re returning to our system of replicating …

38C3 – Info Pages and public Chat

38C3 – Info Pages and public Chat


For the 38C3 there will once again be info pages where we summarize all important information on the upcoming congress.

You can find the info pages here: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2024/infos/. They reflect what is currently known about 38C3 and are the recommended starting point to find all relevant information or to refresh some specific details. At the moment, there still are a lot of TODOs. We will fill the gaps over the next weeks.

You can also find an overview page with all important links.

We will announce important news and additions to the info pages here in the blog. We therefore …

38C3 Call for Participation

38C3 Call for Participation


The Call for Participation has started

As we announced on our website, the Call for Participation for the Congress has started. We ask you for your talks and presentations, to make this Congress the most exciting and interesting hacker event of the year. You can find the call here, please familiarize yourself with the notes before submitting something.

According to the motto “38C3: Illegal Instructions” we want to offer a platform for about 130 contributions, divided into five tracks, that want to give impulses for exchange and making this world better.

The deadline for submissions …

CCC invites you to the 38th Chaos Communication Congress

CCC invites you to the 38th Chaos Communication Congress


Spread the news: We finally have a date for 38C3 – it will take place on 27–30 December and like last year, the venue will be CCH in Hamburg.

The Chaos Computer Club is looking forward, once again, to provide a huge playground where you can engage in hacking, soldering, tinkering, educating, learning, partying and networking, developing shared utopias and projects, and most of all, having fun with devices. As always, the Congress prospers through your participation, so join in with the assemblies and workshops, submit talks, become an angel or give feedback.

Read the invitation on the CCC …

Konferenz und Party von netzpolitik.org: Bildet Netze!

Konferenz und Party von netzpolitik.org: Bildet Netze!


Am 13. September 2024 findet die Geburtstagskonferenz von netzpolitik.org statt. Feiert mit!

Nicht weit vom Alexanderplatz in Berlin findet sie am 13. September unter dem Motto „Bildet Netze!“ statt: die große Geburtstagskonferenz zum zwanzigsten Jubiläum von netzpolitik.org. Und weil es was zu feiern gibt, schließt sich unmittelbar an die Konferenz in der „Alten Münze“ eine rauschende Party an.

Das Programm der Konferenz wärmt die netzpolitischen Herzen: Was läuft bei der Chatkontrolle? Was für Technologien dominieren beim Thema Migration und „smarte Grenzen“? Was steckt hinter der …