22C3: Private Investigations (2005)

Talk on RFID/librfid


Another important technology which isn’t brand new but implies a big impact here and now is RFID. RFID is used for automatic identification and detection and is i.e. used for logistic purposes to keep track of products on their way from manufacturers to customers. But this technique also has privacy concerns since it’s used in modern passports or even in tickets for the Soccer World Championships in Germany next year, which isn’t funny at all. So it’s important to understand how it works and what exactly can be done with it. The main problem by now is, that a detailed knowledge of the …

VoIP at 22C3


Not only since the acquisition of Skype by eBay this year Voice-over-IP is a hot topic. VoIP uses packet-swichted networks for data flow instead of traditional dedicated, circuit-switched voice transmission lines, so it has some of the usual security implications plus a few more and it also rises the usual longings from governments to intercept this traffic. Although the different techniques and implementations are more or less well known by now, there are still many things to look after.

First of all we’ll have an overview over the intentions of regulating VoIP and NGN (Next Generation …

First Reactions from our Speakers


In the last week we informed all the people who submitted a talk for the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress about the decisions of the program committee. Just in case: If you submitted a lecture to the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress and got no email from the program committee about our decision please write an email to 22c3-content _at_ cccv.de and let us know. We are quite sure we forgot no one, but thanks to the Verpeilungsfaktor we never know.

As you can read for example

, here and here some speakers are quite exited to hold a talk at the congress. As every year we refused some talks …

Structure of the Conference


Last year we heard lots of complaints about too many interesting things going on at the same time, too many talks missed because of people oversleeping and too many people squeezing in small lecture halls. So we decided to change some things.

First of all there is the fourth day, which gives us the possibility to invite more interesting talks and gives you the chance to listen to more of them without the need of time travel or astral projections. Second the conference program starts at noon and ends at midnight. That provides one hour more sleep to all of us, so everyone can be brighter than …

Fahrplan Statistics


The program committee finished the main part of its work at the last weekend of October. While the sun was shining over Berlin we pushed lots and lots pieces of paper over the floor of the cccb to create the perfect Fahrplan. There is no better user interface when it comes to multi player multi tasking fahrplan construction. As in the last year the program will be marvelous and we will present lots of interesting speakers and talks in this weblog.

But first some numbers about this years Fahrplan: We received nearly 300 lecture submissions and selected about the half of them for the conference …

Notes on “Private Investigations”


This year’s Chaos Communication Congress’s motto is “Private Investigations”. Thinking of private investigators, the first thing that may come to your mind is the image of a hard boiled yet well-intentioned guy in a trench coat who solves problems in his own special way, as depicted in film-noir classics, such as The Maltese Falcon starring Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade. The lone wolf, the rōnin, the mysterious guy working on his own are well-established metaphors the media has repeatedly used when describing hackers. As with many things that happen when media realities and …

Welcome to CCC Events


This is the new CCC Events blog. It’s a in the footsteps of last year’s 21C3 Weblog and is primarily intended to provide in-depth and up-front information on the upcoming “22C3: Private Investigations” conference.