Structure of the Conference

Last year we heard lots of complaints about too many interesting things going on at the same time, too many talks missed because of people oversleeping and too many people squeezing in small lecture halls. So we decided to change some things.

First of all there is the fourth day, which gives us the possibility to invite more interesting talks and gives you the chance to listen to more of them without the need of time travel or astral projections. Second the conference program starts at noon and ends at midnight. That provides one hour more sleep to all of us, so everyone can be brighter than ever. Additionally we plan two breaks in the conference program each day. So you can catch some fresh air, eat something outside the conference venue, chat with someone or finish your hacking project being sure not to miss anything interesting of the conference program. These three changes are the ones you can see in the conference structure table.

Structure of the Conference

But there ist one last thing we will change which you can’t see there: We move the fourth lecture hall down to level A, next to the Hackcenter, which means a second door and more space for lecture hall 2, 3 and 4. We hope that will solve most of the problems related to overcrowded lecture halls, such as oxygen free air, big piles of people in front of some doors and an unhappy chaos emergency response team because of that.