Camp 2023 – Your journey to camp 2023
Camp is coming closer and you should start to plan your trip soon. To help you with that, we are going to lay out some options here.
- Don’t come too early.
- Take enough cash and fuel with you, read the survival guide.
- There will be a bike repair shop and a parcel service.
- Get a cheap event train ticket
- There will be shuttles from Gransee and Zehdenick
- Find groups for long distance shuttles or book existing tours with Bassliner.
- If you come by car, get a parking ticket and offer ride sharing.
General advice
Do not arrive before the announced dates. If you arrive earlier than those dates, we might have to ask you to leave. We simply do not have the capacity beforehand.
Please keep in mind that the camp is cash only. There are no ATMs at the venue and the ATMs nearby will be overloaded if the whole camp tries to get money there. Plan to bring enough cash.
If you do not want to carry your luggage to camp, you can send it by mail. You will also be able to send it back home from camp. You can use the same service to order stuff to camp.
For a list of things to bring and not to bring take a look at the survival guide which includes links to a checklist.
Not only relevant to those arriving without a car: We organised a bus shuttle between camp and the two nearby cities Gransee and Zehdenick. The shuttle runs from Monday, 14 Aug to Monday, 21 Aug at least once per hour between 8:00 and 20:00 and it is free for all camp visitors. If you need something from the next hardware store and don’t want to walk all the way to the parking lot: Take the bus. It leaves directly in front of the camp entrance.
For a comprehensive and detailed list about traveling to camp and back home, look at our info pages. Please continue reading if you already read them, we are going to point out some important points in this blogpost.
By bike
We heard that some of you will arrive by bike or at least bring a bike to camp. Great! We organized a bike workshop to help in case you need to repair things. There might be a facility to safely store your bike as well, but we can’t tell for sure right now. Please don’t rely on it.
By train
Did you know there is a special offer from Deutsche Bahn for chaos events? If you arrive by train, there is a shuttle bus to camp from both nearby stations, Gransee and Zehdenick. The shuttles are scheduled to leave a few minutes after your arrival. For a detailed shuttle schedule please take a look at the info pages.
Long-distance bus shuttles
Travel to Camp together with all your friends, arrive directly in front of the entrance and avoid having to carry your stuff from the parking lot, protect the environment by emitting less CO2? How about a bus tour?
Right now we only offer tours from Berlin and Hamburg, but we would love to have a few more bus users. All you need are at least 40 people for one tour and multi-city routes are also viable! So please use the wiki to find like-minded people or organize a fun tour with you and your neighbouring hackerspace. Depending on your starting point and the number of people the price will be between 50 and 70 € one way. Please contact bassliner until 31 July if you found enough people.
By car
Good news: After quite some trouble we finally found a place for the parking lot that is not too far away from camp. But it is not directly in front of the camp either. Depending on where your car is parked and where you put up your tent, you will have to walk about 800–1500 meters. We will have a few handcarts to carry your stuff but bringing an additional one is never wrong. If you need to drive onto the venue to unload your stuff, that will only be possible before and after the main event. Please have some patience as we can’t let many vehicles in at the same time.
Sharing is caring: If you have a spare seat, please offer your ride in the wiki.
Important: Whether if you arrive by car, motorbike, quad – if it has a motor and needs a driving license, your vehicle has to be parked at the parking lot. Parking on or around the venue is not possible and vehicles that do not comply will be removed. Parking tickets cost 40 € and are available online in the ticket shop as well as on-site (cash only!). Download your parking ticket beforehand and keep it ready once you arrive to speed up the parking process.
Please do not arrive with an almost empty tank and rely on a gas/petrol station close to the location to get back home. Those will be overwhelmed and run out soon, leaving you stranded. This was tested in 2019 and we would prefer to spare you from another case study. Please fill up your tank before you get close to the location, at best while still on the highway. The same applies for electric vehicles and empty batteries. Do not rely on charging facilities at the venue.
Photo CC BY-SA 4.0 psy