Connecting the Dots – Visions for independent Multiverses
The XRevent.Labs Operation Group invites you to xrelog22. Discussions, lectures, music, art, performance and the joint creation of independent multiverses will take place from December 28 to 30, 2022. We not only want to raise socio-political, ethical and creative questions, but also actively develop own spaces and content for an interactive, cross-reality live experience.
Anyone who is interested in joining or visiting us can do so either with pre-registration for the real stage at FTZ - Digital Reality at HAW in Hamburg or virtually in the digital-twin at XRevent platform, or the Intergalactic-Chaos-Communication-Broadcast-Studio, aka icc|bs. Your contributions can be pre-recorded, streamed live via a conference tool or presented in the real space on site. Either way, get in touch and we’ll find a solution. Please test yourself and wear a mask if you visit us in person.
Furthermore we offer:
- weekly workshops in advance
- recordable LED pixel walls
- Thirdroom Research Lab
- …
Contacts …
- via Mail: cf23@lab.nrw
- via CfP: https://pretalx.c3voc.de/xrelog-2022/
- via XRevent.Labs Lounge: https://matrix.to/#/#xrevent:matrix.org