DiVOC: Call for Watchamacallit
We’re looking for sessions, angels, and maps. To make the first DiVOC this year a full success, we need three things: angels, self-organized sessions, and maps. Therefor, here are three calls in one. And we have merch!
Call for Maps
The rC3 world was great, and for r2r we’d like to continue it on a smaller scale, so r2r will have a lobby. If you’d like to contribute one or more maps and hook them up to the lobby, please mail us at welt@diese-welt-ist-schlecht.de. Please let us know your hack space/group/project, the link your map is hosted at, and the start layer we should be linking to. We’ll add your map and the link you need to place in your map to return to the lobby here.
Obviously, there is no limited to your creativity, whether you are recreating your hack space, reuse your rC3 map, or create something new – everything is welcome!
If you have a Jitsi or BBB room in your map as a meeting place, please also add this to the wiki as a self-organized session or meeting place, respectively, since not all participants can or would like to get there through the world.
If you need some inspiration, you will find are preview of the lobby and its tile set here:
- https://c0c0bird.codeberg.page/tilesets/active-cave.png
- https://c0c0bird.codeberg.page/tilesets/coco-items.png
- https://play.kraut.world/_/global/c0c0bird.codeberg.page/main.json
Call for Self-Organized Sessions
Of course we’re having self-organized session at this DiVOC as well. Please add your session to this wiki page, as per usual: (https://di.c3voc.de/sessions-liste).
Call for Angels
You need the support of angels for your team? Then please contact heaving through RocketChat in #r2r-heaven.
You would like to help out as an angel? Then register here: https://himmel.hacc.earth
For the fashion-conscious participants there will be merch again this year. T-shirts, hoodies, zippers, shorts & sweatpants are available in the R2R design.
This year also with t-shirts and zippers for the young hackers.