tuwat – Assemblies at 34C3

Dear Assemblies,

many of you are already preparing for the 34th Chaos Communication Congress.
You are planing, crafting and packing. In order to achieve a stress-free congress build-up at our new venue, we like to inform you about this year’s specifics:

tudat: Rules of the Game for Assemblies

Noise and Sound

Hall 2 will contain areas for assemblies, Kidspace, bar, catering and other installations amongst which some thousand chaotic nerds will mingle on 15.000 square meters.
The remaining 5.000 square meters in Hall 2 are seperated from assembly space via movable partition walls and will constitute one of our lecture halls.
Due to acoustic properties of the hall and the amount of different sound sources, noise will be a larger challenge. We must respect each other and reduce noise (and sound) emissions if possible. Leave your large speaker boxes at home. Hack some “Silent Discos” installations or other alternatives. Be creative on your noise prevention.

Light and Illumination

Whether we’ll be comfortable in Hall 2 depends on our abilities to turn this exhibition hall into a place of cosiness and sociability. To achieve this, the decoration team(Deko-Team) will use fabrics, light and shadow amongst other design elements. Illuminating the ceiling with 100 watt LED spotlights would contrast this idea and floodlights might only be usable in outdoor installations. Please help us together with your assembly by turning this exhibition hall into a unified work of art. We await your creative light and pixel installations with giddy anticipation.


You’ll find large installations, stages and areas for self-organized sessions, workshops and lectures, chill-out lounges and tables for assemblies in Hall 2. Those tables will be furnished with chairs, have access to the congress network and electric power. Everything else is in your own responsibility. Don’t forget to bring your multi-outlet power strips, network cables and such.

Stages & Workshop areas

Stages and workshop areas will be available to your self-organized sessions and lectures.
You’ll be able to enter your sessions via the Wiki . A blog post detailing these procedures will follow shortly. One remark: As much as we like your metal band gigs, please take the noise situation into account!


A new venue introduces larger challenges, explicitly the switch to a one-hall-for-all layout doesn’t make it any easier. The first impression of “Wow, this is a huge place” was followed by a matter-of-factly realization: A exhibition hall places completely new constraints and challenges on planing and build up. The hall needs to be nice to look at, avoid the exhibition hall feeling and be able to accommodate thousands of participants. We endeavour to find a suitable spot for every chaotic nerd and will continue to give our best!


For Halls of this size strict fire regulations are in place. This includes, but is not limited to any kind of soldering. There’ll be multiple designated areas in which soldering is allowed. Soldering in your assembly will not be possible, keep your soldering iron in your bag and unpack it only in a designated soldering area.

Acceptance of work

There’ll be an inspection on the 26th at noon. This affects all larger constructions like stages, towers, tables, etc. If something is found wanting you’ll have time until the evening of the 26th to fix those issues. If expectations can’t be met until then, your installations needs to dismantled, otherwise congress won’t be able to commence on the 27th. Please keep this in mind. Start your build up early and on time and follow technical regulations of the fairgrounds. In case of doubt consult us sooner rather than later: c3-assemblies@lists.ccc.de.

Driving, Riding & Flying

There’ll be a test track for experimental vehicles at the Chaos West Center. Bikes and similar sized vehicles may not be used in the halls and hall ways. Using any other means of transportation on the fairgrounds follow our “be excellent to each other rule”. We’ll try to find an outdoor area for smaller drones, all pilots are expected to know and follow local regulations. Using drones inside buildings will not be possible.

We are happy you’re accompanying us on the adventure “fairgrounds”.

Until then, your assembly team