Dear Angels,

Below are some important details for the 34C3 Buildup.
Please read them carefully.

Buildup Angel

Similar to the 34C3 it self, buildup and teardown only work thanks to the heroic effort and participation of countless volunteers. Warm thanks to everyone who helps to bring Congress to Leipzig, we very much appreciate every bit of help.
Even though buildup nominally starts on the 16.12. true parallelization does not take hold until the 18.12.. Before that we need some time to boot and warm up ourselves. For this reason our suggestion (especially to non-local volunteers) is to have a relaxed weekend partying in leipzig or get some (probably much needed) sleep in advance, there will be more than enough work to do from the 18. to 26..

Times for the buildup:
8:00 to 24:00

  • Closed footwear (preferably hard-toed / German “S1 Sicherheitsschuh”)
  • Working gloves. (You don’t _need_ to bring them, but they’re nice to have)
  • Warm clothing. Empty exhibition halls tend to be cold.

NOTE: We will not be able to provide you with a ticket and/or sleeping place. It is also not possible to sleep in the exhibition hall.


If you plan to bring, or construct big things for your assembly, please be aware that this needs to happen before the 26th and that you have to have to run it past the assembly team. The usual Assembly buildup will start on Dec. 26th. If possible please arrange deliveries for the 26th onwards only. More information on Assembly buildup will follow in a separate post soon.

We’re looking forward to have an awesome 34C3 with you.

Your Logistic Team