

Dearest Kids and parents,

There’ll be a Kidspace again at 33c3, so that parents can provide their kids (<12Y) the opportunity to rest as well as to move. Besides the mandatory ball pool, the breastfeeding-corner as well as the video games we’ve come up with a few
new attractions – we hope you will enjoy them. Additional up-to-date information for you:

Kidspace Wristbands

There’ll be unique wristbands for the kids, just like in the years before. However, we’ll have different wristbands this year and need to order two different sizes. Therefore, we really need to ask you to sign up your kids by e-mail, so we’ll have a fitting wristband for every kid. Please write an e-mail to pat(at)berlin(dot)ccc(dot)de using the subject “Wristband” and tell us the number and the age of the kids you’d like to bring. It would be helpful if you could provides the names of the kids as well as your contact info (E-Mail, mobile number and eventually DECT ) as this would enable us to tell the infodesk a list of the kids, which in turn would enable them to call their parents (you!) quickly if the need arises.

We need your help! The Kidspace requires more Duplo!! Call for donations:

This year, kidspace will be at the Chaos Communication Congress the fourth time. We’ve already started to prepare the aforementioned attractions.

The duplo blocks which had been thankfully provided to us were always popular attraction. However, this year it won’t work out and since we’re missing the blocks already, we’d really want to create a new stock.

In order to start with that right away, we’d really like to ask to check your old box of toys, your cellars or attics for duplo blocks which you could donate.

**The math is really simply: If every single one of the 12.000th visitors brings one block, then we’d have 12.000 blocks altogether!

Of course, it is a tad unlikely that each visitor is going to bring a block – so please, if you can spare your duplo collection or any blocks, bring them to Congress or send them to Hamburg in advance:

Attention, new address! Please do ship to CCH again!

CCH – Congress Center Hamburg
Am Dammtor / Marseiller Str.
z.H. CCC / Kidspace
20355 Hamburg

On big request: The blocks need to be clean or need be washed beforehand. That is easy to do, really – put them in a bag made of cloth and put that in your washing machine, wash at a maximum of 40° C, then just let them dry in the air.

If you want to bring blocks to congress, please drop them off at the kidspace (Tween deck in front of hall 1 on the second floor).

We collect blocks and store them to be used at other chaos events.

Please donate only duplo blocks

We initially thought that Lego blocks would’ve been awesome as well, but are now of the opinion that they’re not suited for Kidspace. At least when the blocks should be on the ground so everyone can just use them. Smaller kids might swallow lego blocks by accident and some blocks break easily, especially when stepped on. The much bigger and sturdier duplo blocks are better to handle.

We really hope you’ll love this idea so much that we’ll be able to collect a phenomenal amount of blocks, so we can to build large towers and reckless train tracks together.

Your help is appreciated:

If you’d like to help to shape Kidspace, provide ideas for workshops or any other event, please check Kidspace Wikipage and please join the mailing list (Information on joining is in the wiki article as well!