GPN18: Call for Participation
hello world
tl;dr: Let’s do the GPN warp again! Sign up https://pretix.entropia.de/entropia/gpn18/, submit your ideas https://pretalx.entropia.de/gpn18/cfp and bring your friends.
Long awaited and often requested—the time has come. We invite all of you to this year’s GulaschProgrammierNacht.
Save the date:
GPN18, 10.-13. May 2018 in the HfG/ZKM, Lorenzstr. 15, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany, Europe, Earth
#More of the same
The Gulaschprogrammiernacht has it all: Talks, workshops, demoshow, flashing lights, lots of music (always both too loud and too quiet), two (!!!) hackcenters, enough Mate for all …