
[rC3 2021 - NOWHERE] Time to Say Goodbye

[rC3 2021 - NOWHERE] Time to Say Goodbye


The remote Chaos Experience 2021 NOW/HERE is coming to an end. 96 hours passed from opening to closing. And we’re taking it further this year.

The end of the rC3-world is postponed to 2022. Our marvellous infrastructure will remain online on a best-effort basis until January 1 at 11:00am. With world chats, Jitsi & BBB, you’ll have the opportunity to celebrate New Year’s Eve with your favourite nerds.

We thank everyone who worked for months to make this event possible. And all of you who populate the here and now, doing great things together.

Stay safe, be excellent, even if the coming year …

#rC3: Es war einmal kein Congress …

#rC3: Es war einmal kein Congress …


Once upon a time, the people of the nerds wanted to celebrate their annual festival. But the lands were struck by a pestilence, and it was dangerous to go out and meet other entities. The nerds lamented, for their festival was the highest holiday in their world. But they were all wise creatures, and since wise creatures do not let other creatures come to harm, the committee decided that the celebration would be canceled in the year of the plague.

But the people were strong and wise, and so they pondered. And someone suggested to create an enormous artificial island, which everyone could enter …