
Arrival by train, staring at 89,- Euro to 29c3


The German railway company, Deutsche Bahn, has kindly allotted us a quota of special price train tickets. For the first time, also flexible (“regular”) Tickets can be booked online.

Compared to last year, you can now choose between four types of tickets: fixed tickets (you have to choos a train at the time of booking your ticket) and regular tickets (you hop on every train you like), bookable on- and offline, first or second class.


    1. class, fixed: 89,00 Euro
    1. class, fixed: 149,00 Euro
  • Regular, flexible ticket: add 30,00 Euro
  • Only available at …

29C3 – Tickets and Pricing


29C3 will cost us much more than standard tickets priced at 80 EUR will pay. Thus we’ll sell supporter tickets for 100 and 120 EUR. Please consider buying one of these. Help us minimize our losses and support others who can’t afford paying much more! Thanks a lot! :)

Moving the 29C3 to Hamburg will cost a lot of money. As far as we know yet, 80 EUR for a standard ticket will not cover those costs, even if a lot more people will show up at the …

Reminder: CFP 29C3 – Deadline September 30!


Just a friendly reminder that the submission deadline for proposed talks and workshops is fast approaching. You only have a couple of days left – until September 30 – to think about what you’d like to contribute, and as always, we welcome your input. Please read the whole CFP here:

29C3 Call for Papers

Spread the word, submit a talk – and see you in December in Hamburg!

Invite all the Speakers!


You know someone who could tell us interesting things at the congress? You recently read an article and thought “It would be great to hear that person speak at the congress”? But you are not sure if he/she/it knows about it? Then just tell them!

There are many ways to do that, the easiest one would be sending an email like this:

“Hey [name], I like your [article /talk/project/something] and I would love to see you at the 29th Chaos Communication Congress. You can find the Call for Participation here: [link]. If you need any help with the submission form I would be happy to assist you. Be aware …