


Education – not our department? Auf dem Junghackertrack am Tag 3 wendet sich der CCC an das junge Publikum. Zwischen 12 und 20 Uhr gibt es jede Menge zu tun: Alarmanlagen basteln, elektronische Käfer (pentabugs) basteln oder lernen, wie Schlösser funktionieren – das “Chaos macht Schule”-Projekt, ein Zusammenschluss mehrerer CCC-Erfas stellt sich und seine Arbeit vor. Während gebastelt wird, gibt es Vorträge zum “Chaos macht Schule”-Projekt, der kreativen Nutzung von Medien und Datenschutz. Außerdem steht das “Chaos macht Schule”-Team in einer Podiumsdiskussion Rede und Antwort.

Der Eintritt …

29C3 Party Mode


After PartyWe already told you about talks, workshops and assemblies at 29C3, but it seems we didn’t talk about parties by now. So it’s about time to do so.

On location we will have two main spots. There will be a tent in front of CCH with DJs and live sets. Music will be on from 4 pm to 6 am every day. Since smoking won’t be allowed at all inside CCH the tent …

Experience the Congress the best way – join the angels!


What makes being an angel so special?
It’s the best way to meet new people. You will get to know a lot of people from the community in a short time, there are always other angels that can show you around and help you around Congress.

The Congress would not be possible without many people donating their time bringing the Congress to life and dealing with all the side effects of bringing thousands of hackers together in a congress center.

Since the very first Congress in 1984, everything is done by volunteers called ‘Angels’. In return, the angels get some quiet space in the famous ‘Heaven’ …

Fahrplan released!


You will find the Fahrplan version 0.1alpha at: 


Please also have a look at the wiki, as there might be alternative interfaces to the Fahrplan, such as mobile apps showing up. See also the <a href=“http://events.ccc.de/congress/2012/wiki/Calendar>Calendar to get an overview of the already planned <a href=“http://events.ccc.de/congress/2012/wiki/Workshops>Workshops. If you like to do your own workshop or some other event at the congress, you can add it there. 

Online Ticket Sale is Closing Soon


If you want to buy a ticket from our online ticket sale, do it now!

**We’ll close on  December 10th 2012, 23:59:59 CET. **

We’re doing this in order to grant each of you 2 weeks for making the payment. Probably there will be tickets for sale on site on 29C3, but be warned – we do not promise yet.

Finish your assembly until Sunday!


The congress is coming closer. The next stage will be the placement of the assemblies. So please make sure that you have set up your assembly nicely until Sunday, 2nd of December:

  • complete all the information in the form, so everyone can get an overview of your assembly
  • in the “free text” field you can add pictures and other formats as well. Give an impression of your projects, the whole assembly and the people behind it. The “free text” will be the body of your page.
  • Make it clear if you’re planning workshops on site. If so, please update the information about them.

Workshops – and all other events besides the main talks


Congress is made by you! Please add your workshop. A “workshop” is just something, that happens at a special time and place, but not in one of the big halls.

As you may have read in the blogpost on assemblies this congress will be even more community driven than it used to be. One step towards this is allowing you to hold your own sessions on whatever topic you think is important. We kindly ask you to prepare “workshops”.

That does not mean, that it has to be something with hands-on and making – sure it could be! But workshops can also be a gathering of a project group or discussing a …

Order congress wear until Sunday!


This is a kind reminder to all of you out there who haven’t ordered tickets and congress wear yet: Now is the time to do it!

We need to order the clothes soon. Pre-ordering them in the online ticket system will only be possible until Sunday, November 18th. The ticket-presale however will stay online.

Please go to presale.events.ccc.de and preorder your shirt, hoodie or zipper.

More mock ups of the congress wear are available in the congress wiki:

Zipper Women Navy

CCH: A brief introduction

CCH: A brief introduction


The Congress Center Hamburg is located just a few minutes away from the Dammtor train station which is a major transport hub of northern Germany and also within the public transport network of Hamburg. Light rail is called S-Bahn and in the Dammtor station you will find the lines S11, S21 and S31. The subway station is called »Stephansplatz« and is on the U1 line. The “Dammtor” station is also a major train station for long distance trains (e.g. ICEs) to Scandinavia, Berlin, Hannover and further into Europe.

Close to the CCH are areas like Schanzenviertel, Alster, Reeperbahn, Jungfernstieg and …

Ticket-Vorverkauf für den 29. Chaos Communication Congress


Der Vorverkauf der Eintrittskarten für den 29. Chaos Communication Congress 29C3, der dieses Jahr in Hamburg stattfindet, beginnt heute.

Tickets gibt es unter https://presale.events.ccc.de/

Der diesjährige Congress steht unter dem Motto “Not my department” und wird sich mit den Konsequenzen nicht nur des eigenen Forschungsdrangs auseinandersetzen – von Überwachungssystemen, Drohnen- und Schwarmintelligenzsteuerung bis zu Biohacking. [1]1 Gleichzeitig geht es um das Streben der Hackerszene danach, Technologien und gesellschaftliche Abläufe zu erforschen und neu zusammenzusetzen, die auf den …



We want you to bring more of that Camp feeling to the Congress! The event suffered from stagnation over the past few years. This time you can shape the conference a lot more than you already did in Berlin. To start that transformation, there’ll be a new thing called Assemblies. Ideally, these should work much like Villages on the Camp, but not exactly the same way.

Up to 28C3 last year we’ve assigned seats and tables to projects that registered in the wiki beforehand. Space has been a very scarce resource, thus we had to keep a close eye on allocation. Hopefully, that will change for the …