38C3: Last (and Lost) Things
38C3 is over. Sadly. We hope that your journey home went well and that you had a good return to reality.
Those four days of living a utopia were far too short. There was so much more that one could have experienced, so many more things to discover, so many more people to meet, so many more talks to see … To our own regret, the length of the event can’t really be changed. But many other things can be! That is why we want to ask for your feedback. Let us know what you liked, but also what you didn’t like. We appreciate both praise and constructive suggestions for improvement! But you need to be quick: The hub will be put into archive mode on 20 January (exact time not yet determined). Once this happens, access to the hub will be read-only and feedback can no longer be submitted.
On the other hand, four days is enough time to lose quite a lot of things. But not to worry: The great team at the coat check has been looking after found items following the event. If you lost something during the event at CCH, you’re welcome to contact 38c3@c3lf.de. If you do, please describe the lost item as exactly as possible to help us find it.
In case you’re now wondering when and where the next Chaos event will take place: Have a look at our calendar.
Future Instructions
Coming back from congress always felt like not only traveling back to reality, but traveling to the past. And the current timeline feels more shattered than ever before. So now is time to act:
Share Knowledge and Information
We have given you instructions to prepare for dire, upcoming times. It is now your objective to spread information, create resources and to teach resilience and technological sovereignty: to pupils, to journalists, to people in danger of being stalked.
Grow your Community
We know not everyone has the capacity to organize repair-cafes, install parties, readings, panel discussions and so on. But welcome all creatures of the universe that come to your door to seek help and community is the least we all should do.
Right now is not the time to lock yourself in a cellar and pride yourself in the superiority of your chosen operating system, programming language, tool-chain or whatever.
Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being sought. It always defeats order, because it is better organized. So if you are worried about the spread of authoritarianism, organize! There are many great things you can do to have an impact. So take that time.
Dark times lie ahead and Utopia will not just happen. So while we still can: Let’s unite and build it.
Image CC BY-SA Leah Oswald