Winterkongress der Digitalen Gesellschaft Schweiz

Winterkongress der Digitalen Gesellschaft Schweiz

We are pleased to invite you to the sixth Winterkongress on Friday evening, 24 February and Saturday, 25 February 2023. During two days, topics around information technology, digitalisation and their impact on our society will be covered in various lectures and workshops. The programme is online. Tickets are also available now.

The Winterkongress is the annual meeting of the Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz: On Friday evening, 24 and Saturday, 25 February 2023, hackers, programmers, activists and interested people will come together for the sixth time in Zurich (temporarily) at the Volkshaus to exchange views on topics related to information technology, networking and its impact on our society.

The Winterkongress starts on Friday evening at 7.00 pm. On Saturday it continues at 11.00 a.m. with a keynote address. There will be a total of over 30 lectures and workshops in several parallel tracks. The Winterkongress will end with an evening event from 20.00 hrs onwards. In between and afterwards there will be time for exchange.

A ticket for non-members costs CHF 30 and for members CHF 20. Free codes for low-income earners and helpers are available via office[at]

We are looking forward to an inspiring congress atmosphere again this year.

The Winterkongress is a co-production of the Roten Fabrik and the Digitale Gesellschaft Schweiz.

Editorial remark by Both Digitale Gesellschaft in Switzerland and Digitale Gesellschaft in Germany use “Digitale Gesellschaft” as their proper names, without adding a country name. These are two independent organisations. We decided to add the country name, as we fear that otherwise a mismatch might be likely when this posting is read quickly.