#rC3: Stimmung DIY
Welcome to Part Three of this year’s getting in the mood blog posts, today with light hearted throwbacks and participation opportunities in the Tuesday edition.
What can you expect here today? Means and suggestions to get your homely cave, including yourself, in the mood for #rC3. It’s the story of trashy music, beloved merchandise and fine biscuit shapes, rounded off with two suggestions for flashing LED fun.
Grab a Mate and here we go …
Earlier this year during the DiVOC PTT three DIY 3D-printable cookie moulds were introduced by Benjamin-W. A rocket cookie is always a pleasure, hence you can find the the print templates following this link.
For two standard cookie recipes we would suggest the following; one for omnivorous beings and another for completely plant-based beings.
In terms of food safety and hygiene, a minimal spoiler reference to the Frikadellendiplom from c3gelb. (If you are not sure what that means, please get in touch with a fellow German-socialised person who has experience in the waiting business for an explanation.)
We look forward to seeing your creations on the usual channels #CookiesForWorldPeace (open for suggestions #ChaosCookies?)
Binary Blicking
We have received the following information from Binary Kitchen in Regensburg and would like to share it with you here:
A heart for rC3
The Binary Kitchen and the BlinkenArea invite you to the first digital soldering workshop online. We meet in a digital room and solder great soldering kits together. In the soldering workshop beginners and experienced solderers can expand their knowledge with kits of different difficulty or learn soldering from scratch. We will send you the kits in advance by snail mail and then meet in a video conference. There will be a short introduction at the beginning and then you can start at your own soldering workstation. The motto is: learning by doing. Experts will be constantly in the conference to help you with questions and problems.
As we do not have much experience with online workshops, we would like to limit the number of participants to 15 per workshop. As we also have to send the kits in advance, we kindly ask you to register early. Further information on registration/kits can be found at
https://www.binary-kitchen.de/wiki/veranstaltungen:loetworkshop_digital (currently only available in German)
For those who are not yet familiar with Binary Kitchen and its projects – here is a gallery of previous workshops:
And for the more advanced and impatient, Dave’s little Arduino-LED rainbow-project, which has already been made on GPN19, is highly recommended. The tutorial is written in English.
In addition to the parts on the list, you will need a soldering iron and solder, as well as a computer with the Arduino IDE to put the software on the chip. You can then run the finished craftwork with a micro-USB cable, so you can enjoy the original hackcenter atmosphere at home!
Computer No. 3
From binaries and rainbows on to the part which you can send to your friends with a smirk on your face – supposing they don’t know it yet. During the preparations for this calendar, we heard impressively trashy music classics with IT/hacker-references from German history (thus in German as well, send to a German-speaking buddy for your entertainment). And let’s be honest, we didn’t want to keep that from you.
- France Gall – Der Computer Nr. 3 ( live ) – Berlin – 1968
- Eurocats – Surfen Multimedia – Deutsche Vorentscheidung Eurovision
- HGich.T – Hackertools
The history of music in Chaos is long with many misunderstandings. Or not – who are we to judge. But it can be said with certainty that it has been a topic for a long time:
If you still have something up your sleeve – from the experience of riding branded tractors, the mating behaviour of excavators in the wild to Systemabsturz – share it #BisDieOhrenBluten (#UntilYourEarsBleed). Maybe show us your favorite non-German examples? Somewhere, torturous, insufferable catchy tunes and laughs for the coming year have to be born.
This year we are going, where no one has gone before. And frankly, we don’t know what to expect, only that we are very keen for it to take off. Before we plunge headlong into the unknown, we would like to look back. We believe it’s important to convey and work on the shared understanding and the ideas of what happened year after year after Christmas since 1984; especially to those of you, for whom this will be their first Chaos-event they will ever have visited. Hence, we call upon you to gather experienced nerds (with the necessary physical distance of course), take the new nerds by the (virtual) hand and show them how the Chaos works with all its old and new, its glitter and blinking. Chaos is what we make of it together.
In this regard: What was the design of your first congress / camp? With which design do you associate the most beautiful memory?