#rC3: Neues Ticket-Kontingent

On Saturday, 12.12.2020 at 14:00 (Berlin, CET, UTC +01:00) we’ll launch an additional ticket contingent.
If a third round will be available, is currently not sure.
Link to the ticket shop.

What the hack happened???

To be honest, we didn’t expect this number of people willing to participate in #rC3 and subsequently clicking tickets. Especially since in the beginning many said »not just another video conference« or »nawh, online ain’t mine«. But obviously, rC3 was interesting enough to clear out our initial ticket contingent.

Additional tickets

People worked hard in the past few days to ensure the event could be scaled up. Therefore we can give out more tickets. Release is on Saturday, December 12, 14:00 (Berlin, CET, UTC +01:00)
Link to the ticket shop.

At this stage we’re not sure if a third round, will be possible. If so, we’ll announce it here on the events blog.

What do you need a ticket for?

The official streams and the releases are – as always – freely available on media.ccc.de. The tickets are needed for the logged-in-area. There you will have the possibility to interact with other participants, join workshops and self-organised sessions, see community-content like assemblies and their projects, find badges to collect and achieve, some surprises and the 2d-world.