„Chaos macht Schule“ – Youth Hacking Day at 36C3

You cannot possibly start hacking soon enough! That’s why “Chaos macht Schule”—the German initiative by the Chaos Computer Club to take Hacking into schools—runs Youth Hacking Day at December 28th 2019 from 10:00 to 17:00 CET at 36C3. Several assemblies provide workshops for young hackers, ranging from soldering to building robots, but also covering more traditional subjects like programming or mathematical puzzles.

To give youth a first glimpse of what it’s like at one of the biggest hacker conferences in the world, there will be special tickets for Youth Hacking Day—like in previous years. Children under 18 can grab one for themselves and an accompanying adult starting December 10th 2019, 18:00 CET, at https://tickets.mannheim.ccc.de/cms/jht-19/. Tickets for accompanying adults have to be redeemed at the cashdesk together with that of the child. Tickets for Youth Hacking Day do not include public transport tickets for Leipzig and only allow entrance to 36C3 on December 28th. The total number of available tickets is capped. Children under twelve or youth who already have a valid ticket for 36C3 do not need a special ticket for Youth Hacking Day.

The exact schedule will be published on December 24th 2019 on https://junghack.de/. Many workshops require prior signup, while for some it is enough to be at the correct location on time. Information on the signup process for the workshops will be available on the overview website as well. Youth Hacking Day starts with a collective opening event at 10:00 AM CET, where all planned workshops will be introduced briefly.

The organizers of Youth Hacking Day—Chaos macht Schule—aim for technophile and digital responsibility among youth since 2007. Having fun with technology is their biggest priority. A large number of assemblies like “Jugend hackt” and Kidsspace support Chaos macht Schule in offering this opportunity.

Please note that Youth Hacking Day is an offer aimed more towards locals from in and around Leipzig, so workshops and additional information may only be offered in German. Although individual attention is possible depending on the assemblies that offer sessions, please contact them directly to learn more about what is possible.

If there are any questions left unanswered, you may contact junghackertag@events.ccc.de.