Call for Angels
35c3 is ahead with its slogan „refreshing memories“. Those who have visited a Congress before will have memories of all the helping hands that make a Chaos Communication Congress possible. Those volunteers are called Angels.
And we also need a lot of angels for this year’s congress. That’s your turn! There is a lot of work and anyone can help with – there are specialized tasks requiring some level of training beforehand and there are simple tasks that can be taken care of by anyone instantly. For those helping it is a great experience to learn how the Congress organizes itself and what is happening in the background to create this event.
Last year we had 2,387 (that’s twothousandthreehundredeightyseven!) angels and each of them was needed. Such a workforce needs some coordination, that’s why „angeling“ is done with a system: The Engelsystem. If you want to be a part of this workforce, you should register with our Engelsystem.
You can do this at any time via https://engelsystem.de/35c3/.
Even if you are visiting Chaos Communication Congress for the very first time, not knowing what expects you. If you are feeling scared of being lost at an event with 16,000 participants: By helping as an Angel you will be a part of Congress from the first minute. Almost all tasks are handled in teams and so you will be able to get to know other people quickly – and dive deeper into the chaos.
So help making this congress one we all like to remember!