34C3: tuwat

Those in power today believe that national security can only be achieved by the use of computers.

The realisation that computers cannot go on strike is beginning to dawn even on mid-sized companies.

The postal service now believes they need to prove through “field trials” that the telephone will be even nicer with their computer-based screen text systems.

The latest ad campaigns make it clear that the “personal computer” is now being foisted on video-saturated BMW drivers in Germany.

We believe that despite all this, useful things can be done with home computers without a need for large centralized organisations.

To keep us computer freaks from puttering about aimlessly any longer, we’re doin’ somethin’ and will meet in Leipzig, Seehausener Allee 1 (TAZ main building) at 11 o’clock on 27.12.17.

We’ll talk about: international networks – communications law – data-processing law (who owns my data?) – copyright – information and learning systems – databases – encryption – computer games – programming languages – process control – hardware – and whatever else.

Tom Twiddlebit, Wau Wolf Unnamed (»2)
September 1st, 1981

The “tuwat.txt” call for action marks the beginning of the Chaos Computer Club’s history. It is as relevant as ever (“tuwat” means “do something”).