Welcome to the Hackerschnitzelcloud at 31C3!


Symbolbild Hackerschnitzelcloud

There will be a new, even better version of last year’s famous game: The Hackerschnitzelcloud. And there will be not just one game, but many, hunting through the CCH.

The Hackerschnitzelcloud is a magic platform for scavenger hunts. You can submit riddles and missions of all degrees of difficulty and shape them into mind-blowing games playable on mobile phones. You can submit single puzzles or game-like chains of puzzles on the platform.

You don’t have a specific idea for a game? Here are some inspirations:

  • Place an encrypted box somewhere in the CCH and let your players search and decrypt it to get further instructions.
  • Let your player find the piece of the first ever built beamer, printed with a hidden 3D printer hidden somewhere in the CCH.

Are you part of an assembly or project? Are you simply the best puzzle designer of puzzles and want to bless the Congress attendees with your unrivaled games (or rather, drive them crazy?) Then join in and try our platform!

We are happy to help you with building and extending your game ideas or with the translation of your game instructions. There is also a how-to manual (pdf) that will help you to easily construct your game on the platform and test it with a mobile app.

Join us: Register at https://platform.toto.io
Questions: Mail us at 31c3(at)toto.io with a username, so we can prepare your game prototype to start with.

Join the fun!