Day 4 Schedule Updates

Day 4 Schedule Updates

Sadly, we’re on the last day of the 25C3. The good news is that your printed schedule is accurate with one very notable exception. All we have for you today is the addition of two really great talks in Saal 2:

  • 14:00: Vertex Hacking: Reverse Engineering von 3D-Dateiformaten: “Es geht um die Methoden beim Umgang mit unbekannten Dateiformaten, speziell im Bereich der 3D-Modelle. Vorgestellt werden sollen die Werkzeuge, die Vorgehensweise, ein paar mögliche Fallstricke, interessante Implementierungsdetails und schlussendlich auch das Ergebnis in Form der Bibliothek libg3d.”
  • 15:15: Mining social contacts with active RFID: “We describe the implementation of a distributed proximity detection firmware for the OpenBeacon RFID platform. We report on experiments performed during conference gatherings, where the new feature of proximity detection was used to mine and expose patterns of social contact. We discuss some properties of the networks of social contact, and show how these networks can be analyzed, visualized, and used to infer the underlying social structure.”

In addition, Security Nightmares 2009 will be translated into English and simulcast in Saal 3.