rC3 Call for Subtitlers



Have you been hit by lockdown, you’re bored and you are craving for more chaos event feeling? Are you sitting at home and watching recorded Talks from rC3 and past Chaos events?
Bring a little bit of rC3 to your home and help with improving quality and accessibility of the CCC recordings! You can work on the subtitles from the comfort of your home, as long or as short as you like to!

How does this work?
The transcripts are generated automatically by speech recognition software and improved and corrected by you. Since talks contain lots of domain-specific terms and may have …

#rC3: Es war einmal kein Congress …

#rC3: Es war einmal kein Congress …


Once upon a time, the people of the nerds wanted to celebrate their annual festival. But the lands were struck by a pestilence, and it was dangerous to go out and meet other entities. The nerds lamented, for their festival was the highest holiday in their world. But they were all wise creatures, and since wise creatures do not let other creatures come to harm, the committee decided that the celebration would be canceled in the year of the plague.

But the people were strong and wise, and so they pondered. And someone suggested to create an enormous artificial island, which everyone could enter …

#rC3: Farewell

#rC3: Farewell


Sometime on the morning of Day 4, with the core orga-jitsi’s clock showing hour 48, we sat together for the handover. We pondered, mused, nerded, and asked what we could write to conclude. We settled on a well-known popculture-quote that the 2D-world-developers of this event used to describe their internal channel:

“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.”
— Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

At the end of this event, after 96 hours of remote Chaos Experience, we ourselves cannot put …

Leere Talks? Relive!


Warum gibt es so viele leere Talks auf media.ccc.de? Wir ‘veröffentlichen’ automatisch Vorab-Mitschnitte aus den Live-Stream.

Wir haben zu diesen Themen viele interessierte Fragen bekommen und möchten Euch in diesem Beitrag kurz die Technik dahinter vorstellen.

Wie kam es zu Relive?

Früher™ hat es manchmal Wochen gedauert, bis Mitschnitte von Vorträgen online waren. In der Community gab es dann sogenannte „Streamdumps“, die man sich kompliziert zusammensuchen musste bzw. schwer auffindbar waren. Leider war auch die Qualität der Streamdumps meistens auch nicht gut oder wurden durch Dritte …

#rC3 Chaos Mentors


It’s that time again – the remote Chaos Experience (rC3) is coming! This time with a new format, with tickets for special virtual extra features – we are not sure how many people will visit this new event, nor what will exactly happen. In a way we are all first time visitors, aren’t we? Some people – you too? – may need some support to have a good start.

Who are the Chaos Mentors for?

Are you a member of an underrepresented group in the hacker community, and unsure if you will feel safe and comfortable at a digital distributed event? Or do you have specific needs that make it more difficult to …

#rC3: Takeoff

#rC3: Takeoff


This is the final blog post in the series while the last bits and bytes are falling into place: Getting Ready for the remote Chaos Experience.

Today we’ll give you some more information that you should definitely remember for rC3. Let’s get to work!

When and where does it start?

The digital gates of rC3 open tomorrow, 27.12.2020, at 12:20 pm with the intro in the stream rC1 and the ticket content at rc3.world .

How do the tickets work?

Current status: The ticket mails have not been sent yet!

Check your mailbox! You will receive a …

Icanhaz Fahrplan!


Just in time for the event, the complete #rC3 timetable provides a unified overview of the “main program” and all community streams.

In addition to the virtual halls 1 and 2, appropriately titled “rc1” and “rc2”, the music program of the “rc3 Lounge” may of course not be missing.

In addition, 15 community streams contribute their independently curated program to the decentralized Remote Chaos Experience.

The independently organized and decentralized community streams provide the following “channels:”

  • c-base mainhall
  • Chaosstudio Hamburg
  • Chaostrawler
  • Chaos-West TV
  • Chaoszone TV
  • Franconian.net …

#rC3 Use more Jitsi!



The load test for our Jitsi infrastructure will take place soon.

We’ll kick off around 18:00 GMT+1 (that’s German local time) / or 17:00 UTC (still 18:00 German local time) at:


(If any error occurs to you, please send us an email to jitsi@rc3.world)

Open rooms, invite your friends and video-conference as much as you want.

We haven’t set a precise end for the load test, however the server will go offline briefly afterwards, but will then be available for you and your (chosen) family until the end of the event.

Stay distanced but socialize!

Your rC3 Infra Crew

#rC3: Community Highlights

#rC3: Community Highlights


Hello and welcome as we approach the finish line!

Today we have some more important or practical information and a little retrospective of our blogpost series, concluded and garnished with a few thoughts on festivity, elective families and tradition.

First up, a correction to the weekend post: Close proximity conversations in the rC3-World do not run via Jitsi, but are part of the World-software and peer-to-peer. Jitsi is used for larger communication spaces in the rC3 World.
There is now a How-To-Play.

Those of you who carefully read during the weekend can rejoice again:
Today, Wednesday the …

#rC3: Technicians Are Informed!

#rC3: Technicians Are Informed!


Hello and Welcome to post No 6 on our chaotic journey to the remote Chaos Experience 2020.
Like the last few weekends, we bring you helpful, knowable and simple things(TM) that everyone can practically put in their pockets. The information noted here was all screwed up, made possible and gained from volunteers kept in a nerd-appropriate manner.

On that note, mate, unicorn and biscuits packed….

What the FAQ?

For rC3, even more information than usual needs to flow: Everything is new and the swarm knowledge you pass on year after year has to emerge. We have ground to make up in terms of …

Call for Interpreters: translate #rC3!


If you are multilingual and fluent in German, English and maybe other languages, please consider joining the translation team.

We want to interpret ALL talks in the two main channels and content from other channels too, live and in real time. Our work is transmitted live in the streams, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. For each event we have two channels for interpreted content. In the first, German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. A second translation channel translates into languages other than English or German – what we do there depends on …