
SIGINT 2012: Call for Papers veröffentlicht


Vom 18. bis 20. Mai 2012 findet in Köln die SIGINT, die Konferenz für Hacker, Netzbewohner und Aktivisten, statt.

Unser Beitragsaufruf (“Call for Papers”) ist jetzt online und kann unter http://sigint.ccc.de/Beitragsaufruf begutachtet werden.

Worum es geht? Um die Zukunft, wie schon 2009 und 2010 (2011 fiel die SIGINT aus, um dem Camp den nötigen Platz im Kalender zu geben).

In den letzten Jahren wird die Signaldichte höher, doch obwohl wir immer mehr Input aufnehmen, rücken holistische Entwürfe in immer weitere Ferne, bestimmen Reduktion und Effizienz die Identitäten der Menschen, statt …

Crypto Talk at 28C3: Datamining for Hackers – Encrypted Traffic Mining, Day 1, 14:00, Saal 1


The first cryptography related talk at 28C3 is about data mining in encrypted data. One may assume, that encrypting your data with a good encryption scheme prevents other people from learning about it. However, this is not true, specially for network protocols, that often leak information, like who is communicating with who, and when how much data is transferred. An attacker can use these information to make assumptions about the content of the transmission.

From the abstract: Voice over IP (VoIP) has experienced a tremendous growth over the last few years and is now widely used among the …

28C3 – Can’t Afford to Pay the Full Price?


Since we forgot to mention it in the first place: Yes, we do have a 28c3-friends request address for people who can’t afford to pay the full ticket price. We’ve added information to http://events.ccc.de/congress/2011/wiki/Tickets:

If you or someone you know can’t afford to pay the full price for a ticket, send a mail to 28c3-friends@cccv.de. Please tell us, why this person can’t pay the full price and why he or she should take part in 28C3 nevertheless. Usually we agree on some affordable price. But please keep in mind that tickets are already very cheap and that we can handle only a limited …

Arrival by train, starting at 89,- Euro to 28c3


The German railway company, Deutsche Bahn, has kindly allotted us a quota of special price train tickets. Additionally, they are even cheaper then last year.

Compared to last year, you can now choose between four types of tickets: fixed tickets (you have to choos a train at the time of booking your ticket) and regular tickets (you hop on every train you like), bookable on- and offline, first or second class.



    1. class, fixed: 99,00Euro
    1. class, fixed: …

28C3 Tickets


In few words.


  • Sunday, November 06, 10:00PM CET (UTC+1) (½ of all tickets)
  • Monday, November 14, 16:00PM CET (UTC+1) (¼ of all tickets)
  • Tuesday, November 29, 10:00AM CET (UTC+1) (¼ of all tickets)


Standard EUR 80,–
Members CCC e.V. EUR 50,–
Up-and-Coming Hackers EUR 25,– (born after 1993-12-26)
Supporters EUR 140,-
Business EUR 280,- (excl. VAT)



Camp Tickets Downloadable Now


Finally we’re done with generating all ticket PDFs! :)

If you’ve ordered a Camp ticket in the online sales system and also payed it, you can download your ticket from https://presale.events.ccc.de now.

For those of you, who registered an email address we’ll additionally send the PDFs by mail.

Please print out your tickets and bring them to the Camp! You need them in order to get your wrist bands.

Ticket Shop Closes Soon


The online shop for Camp tickets will close at 2011/07/20, two days from now.

If you didn’t buy a ticket yet, you should better go to our online shop now and buy one.

Since we don’t know, how many tickets we’ll still have left after online sales, we can’t promise there will be ticket sales at the door. Probably there will be, but if you want to be sure, better buy your tickets now!

mrmcdX: Call for participation


From September, 2nd to September 4th, 2011, the 10th MetaRheinMain ChaosDays (short: mrmcdX) will take place. They are organized by Chaos Darmstadt, Chaos inKL., cccffm, CCC Mainz, CCC Mannheim, as well as oqlt.

The congress is all about hacking (both technical and social aspects) and now being held for the tenth time. The location will be (like in the last few years) the Piloty building of Darmstadt University of Technology (49.877491° N, 8.654536° E). For three days, talks, workshops, discussions and a hackcenter will be offered. Furthermore, you will not need to starve as there’ll be both …

Camp 2011: Rent a Tent – Last Orders


You’d like to rent a big tent, chairs, and tables for the Camp and did not tell us yet? Then you need to hurry up. We accept orders from you only until June 9th, and that’s tomorrow. For more details see the Rent a Tent page in the wiki.