34C3 CTF


This year we celebrate the 6th anniversary of the C3 CTF. Grab some of your hacker friends and sign up. In case you’ve been living under a rock, Capture the Flag (CTF) is a team-based competition testing hacker skills like Read more …

33C3 CTF

33C3 CTF


This year we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the C3 CTF. Grab some of your hacker friends and sign up. In case you’ve been living under a rock, Capture the Flag (CTF) is a team-based competition testing hacker skills like pwning, reversing and breaking cryptography. 33C3 CTF will start on Day 1, Dec. 27th, 2016 at 9pm local time (UTC+1) and last for 48 hours. While this falls within congress time, the competition is hosted on the internet, is free to play for everyone and requires no setup.

If you’re on-site be sure to pay us a visit. Anyone else can contact us on irc: /join #33c3ctf on …

32C3 CTF


Dear Congress visitors,

for the fourth time at the Congress, we will organize a Capture The Flag competition, which will be open to all participants, on-site and online. Gather some friends and 

register your team. In good tradition, this years challenges are heavily biased towards binary exploitation. Ports will open at 20.00 UTC (21.00 local time) on December 27th and expect your …

Capture the Flag on 31C3


Dear Congress Visitors,

For the 3rd time during CCC you can take part in the CTF competition, proving you are a worthy hacker. Grab a bunch of friends and knock on our ports, smash some stacks, corrupt some heaps and get yourself some shells. Servers are expecting your exploits from Dec. 27 at 21h00 CET for 48 consecutive hours.

The CTF will be in “jeopardy style”, requiring no setup on your part and it will be open to everyone, online or on-site. Register your team at 31c3ctf.aachen.ccc.de and visit our assembly to bribe us with beer or mate. There will be a couple of easier challenges, so if …

Capture the Flag


Dear Congress Visitors!

You’re tired of running around the Congress on the Schnitzeljagd (sounds like it’s fun!) or didn’t get a place? You’re like knocking your head on problems? Then we might offer something interesting for you!

Grab a few friends and join our capture the flag competition. These so called CTFs are hacking competitions in which participants solve various challenges – all based around gaining access to remote machines by exploiting vulnerable binaries, solving mathematical problems and completing various other tasks. This CTF will be run in “Jeopardy” style, i.e. challenges …