38C3: Call for Angels
In just over a month, the 38th Chaos Communication Congress will begin. That we will have a great time together again and find “Illegal Instructions” is only possible thanks to the many volunteers, called Angels.
Being an Angel is always a great opportunity to meet other beings and take a look behind the scenes. You don’t have to commit now – you can decide to help out during the event.
For Angels (German: Engel), there is the Engelsystem. Register there and visit Heaven when you arrive at Congress. After picking up your Angel badge in Heaven, you can freely sign up for shifts for upcoming tasks. You can find more information in the Angel Guide.
During build-up and especially teardown, we always need many helping hands. So if you can come earlier or stay a bit longer after the event, we look forward to your help. Help is particularly needed during teardown, especially from beings who haven’t already exhausted themselves during build-up and the event itself. The build-up starts on 20 December. From then until the start of Congress, there will be numerous tasks each day, particularly the distribution of sofas and the distribution and setup of tables and chairs. Please do not come before the 20th; if support is needed before then, we’ll announce it spontaneously on Mastodon: @c3himmel@chaos.social.
If you want to help, just come by – even spontaneously! Access to the CCH during build-up is via the back (Tiergartenstraße) through the entrance to Hall H. Changes to this will be announced in the Engelsystem and on Mastodon.
Heavenly greetings,
More Information
- continuously updated on the Info pages
- overview in the Angel Guide
- on Mastodon at @c3himmel@chaos.social
- in the Engelsystem News
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the Engelsystem or via email to ticket@c3heaven.de.
Image CC BY Martin Müller