Designrelease: 37C3 looking great!
Attention all web banner artists, flag printers, board designers and assembly decorators out there: the 37C3 design team has delivered and it’s turned out great! Browse through the design guide and breathe in the anticipation or try to figure out the rules of the design game yourself and let your notebooks, flashing lights and matte bottle holders shine in the official 37C3 design.
For 37C3, Robokid // Luis F. Masallera and Euler Void have thrown themselves into the fray and played and fiddled with the motto 37C3: Unlocked, giving us not only a beautiful logo and a visual space that invites you to play, but also a generator for your own images in the design of the event.
You can find the design guide here and the image generator here. If you need the font “Gabriella” by Argentinian designer Fernanda Cozzi for your own signs and documents, you can ask for it at our designer’s list. There’s also a fun set of pre-generated emojis and pictograms available.
And now over to you: Go, install the wallpaper, play and tinker and make our 37C3 colourful and beautiful.