37C3 – Info Pages

37C3 – Info Pages

As with the camp, we will accompany 37C3 with our info pages where we will summarize all important information on the upcoming congress as known so far for your convenience.

You will find the info pages here: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2023/infos/. They reflect what’s currently known about 37C3 and are the recommended starting point to get an overview of all relevant information or just to refresh some specific facts. At the moment, there’s still a lot of TODOs, we will update them regularly during the next weeks.

You will also find an overview page with all important links.

We will continue to announce all the news here in the blog as they break. To stay informed we recommend subscribing to the blog’s RSS feed.

To network with other participants, find like-minded people for your project or ask questions, there will once again be a Matrix Space.

Image CC BY-SA Yves Sorge