Camp 2023 – lost+found, BGP leftovers

Camp 2023 – lost+found, BGP leftovers

Camp 2023 is over, most of the pallets are sorted and back in our storage facilities. But there is one thing left: Your stuff. Did you lose something at Camp? Did you slip up on collecting a parcel from the BGP? Did your parcel arrive late? No worries, here is how to get your stuff back:

Lost + Found

If you lost something, please write an email to Our friendly wardrobe team takes care of lost and found items and will be happy to help with your request.


If you forgot to collect a parcel or your parcel arrived late, please contact us at Provide as much information as you can (BGP code is a good starting point ;)) to help us find your package. If we find your parcel, we will ask you for a DHL shipping label so we can send it to you.

Image CC BY-SA leah